if they were to remake a song, the neverlads...


true light

which song would be a groovey tune for them to do , agaon, and why....

and how....???

any thoughts
Can't you just hear Warrel singing "I see a red door and I want it painted black...."?????????????????????????????
Hey, I have never thought about nevermore doing a ZEP song. That would be the perfect one you know.

I want to hear them do a Sabbath Oz era tune. That would be great.

I know True Light wants them to do CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE, but i would love to hear them do.....the song Spiral Archetect from the lp SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH.
Rush- Tom Sawyer!

That song rocks and i always wondered how it would sound, if Nevermore would do it! I would love to hear a heavy version of that!

xxx Iris xxx
Paint it black, has been doe to death. How about maiden's - hallowed be thy name, or something off Physical graffiti, even if i hate led zep...sorry
yes, children of the grave is my favourite sabbath song...war pigs, well i can only remmeber FATIH NO MORE wreckin git...
doors would be most interesting..and bob dylan, i quess bob dylan would be the best bet...simplie but effective.

Yes and I remember how I thought that Paint it Black with Blackie's voice would rule,but when I heard WASP's version I was dissappointed.Vicious Rumours did a nice job on that,but it's a very difficult song to cover,I mean catch the atmosphere
It doesn't matter how mant times it's been done! Nevermore's version would kick all the other's asses, dammit! I could also see, or hear, them doing as awesome version of Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper." Hey, did anyone see that episdode of SLN with the sketch of the original recording of that song? "No, start over. We need more cow bell!" ;)