...if u made a pic of Amon Amarth!

I also saw them in Innsbruck on friday, was really greaaat!!!
There are quite a few livepics at www.darkscene.at


If u want I can send some for the website :)
Mortado said:
I had no problems taking photos at the Seattle show, I did get permission from Metal Blade though. Perhaps it was a specific venue that did not allow photography? Check out http://www.gravemusic.com to check my pics out.

Yeah Mortado, the guys of AA were totally kewl about me taking pics, but Deicide is the band that would not allow pics to be taken. What a bunch of perckerheads. :loco:
hey there are so much guys from austria!

maybe anybody reminds me from the concert in vienna

during AA i stud in middle at the left of johan (i was the guy with beard long hair an a metaljacket with a big running wild patch on the back)

cu all in wacken :-)
LeMont said:
hey there are so much guys from austria!

maybe anybody reminds me from the concert in vienna

during AA i stud in middle at the left of johan (i was the guy with beard long hair an a metaljacket with a big running wild patch on the back)

cu all in wacken :-)

yeah, cu in wacken. ;)

i don't think i remember you, but during the concert i stood also left of johan.

just send your pics to the threadopener (colddarknord or so), he will put them on the official page. i sent him yesterday some of my pics.

and once again:
Hey Cadarn, yeah I was backstage the whole time while those other bands played! AA are the best guys EVER and VERY funny! Some things I won't say now cause there's girls on the board hehehe :loco:
Patric said:
Damn right! Hey, does your dad have a wine farm or something? I think Fred told me!
Oh fuck,yeah of course!!!Liters and liters of red and white wine!!!SO Fred has a nice memory of the wine I brought em!!!
What did he tell you bout me?Niiiiiiice things I hope :loco: !
Yeah,Svartengill!Viva il vino!!!
Really! So next time you're in Stockholm I will drink this Italian quality with you, since Fred said it was so good!
Heheh oh yes all good things, we had a lot of common friends so I also mentioned you!
..i've also brought with me some of my wine and grappa for them but during the LONG trip from italy i was SO thirsty and i've drink it all.. :p :grin: :Smug: ....SONO ALCOLIZZATA!!!
Patric said:
I would really like to try the white grappa they sold at the Tax-free in Vienna...I must have my hands on it!

i've told u..u will drink it a lot at the summer breeze festival!and also my favourite with the mountain erbs(erbs?)
Cadarn,come si dice erbe??erbs o no?..vabè...
prepare your stomach...:grin: