If you are interested on Addictive drummer and Studio drummer presets!


Oct 5, 2010
Latvia, Riga
I recently thought to make preset into Addictive drummer to see what I can come up with just using inside processing. Most pain came from compression being before EQ. But at the end I am quite happy with outcome.
Download is from my facebook page app: https://www.facebook.com/NeZversStudio/app_14167664298
(like required tho, but I don't think you'll regret it)

And also few days back got together last money to get NI Studio drummer at sellout (I got it because searching for new cymbal and room samples). Tried my hands on making preset for it too (made NKI file that contain information, so put it into Studio drummer instrument folder along original and you have my preset available). Same place for download.

Also I'm taking chance to promote my youtube channel. I'm making tutorials (for now going through my take on rock/ metal "producing", but will make tips & tricks, like how to mix sub-bomb without distorting/ clashing mix and give free production stuff. Also I'm dubstep producer and that's why I'll make same things related to it) in FL Studio, but that doesn't really matter. Hope to scrap together money for Reaper too (tried and loved).
So check my channel if not hard.
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Than I'm speechless! Maybe you can say what I should do to make them sound better? Probably that's my taste who let me down and probably I have similar issues on both drums.
EDIT: what happened with your post?
Damn I hate name hollow! I don't get what does it mean accordingly to sounds, what basically makes sounds hollow. I won't deny that I wish to get better monitoring.
Most pain came from compression being before EQ.

Yeah I hate that part too. Hey let's just put out some indie rock ad pack or some jazz brushes for five years and never update our fucking program. Hell the last update was over two years ago iirc.
yep, you obviously have some serious monitoring issues

i checked your other videos and same problem. try to reference stuff more till you get better monitors

Crap I didn't knew it is SO bad!!! But please somebody tell me what does it mean hollow sound and where it comes from?
well 006 showed me mixes he did (I think it's made by him) and he said that drums done only with inside effects... I DIED INSIDE, because drums sounded awesome, but also very ringy (I think I can hear he used crunch on snare). But he deleted post.
Got to go through my sample collection to see processed ones for referencing.
^ I'd say when the "body frequencies" are lacking. i.e. if your snare lacks 250Hz (or wherever the body of your particular snare is), or your kick lacks 80Hz. same goes for a very scooped guitar sound imo.
At least some explanation. Well what for Addictive drummer preset, because of compression before EQ I heard too big BODY and I didn't boosted it. Actually thought that hi end is too small because of it. Maybe it is because my headphones - mostly I don't want to boost much of snare body, and for kick I boost 50 -60 hz not 80hz. But all my mixes I reference on laptop speakers and on small pc speakers to check if I can hear all instuments.
That's probably your problem. Those references can't possibly tell you what's going on with a mix. Just because you can hear all the elements of the mix doesn't mean they sound good.
That's part of it yes. Like I said, just because you can hear them doesn't mean it sounds good. You can have a high pass on your mix all the way up to 200Hz and still be able to hear all the instruments in the music. But does it sound GOOD? No. There's no bass, no low end, no beef, thickness to it. That's what I am talking about. Those speaker setups you mentioned are good for referencing with AFTER mixing on a decent monitoring setup, to check little things about the mix. But you should not mix on them primarily. Why not? Because they can't fulfill all of your needs when it comes to mixing. They can't accurately tell you what is going on with several areas of the mix, frequency-wise. Like the low end, for example, which is one of the major issues with the stuff you have mixed.
Another problem with it is the snare. The snare is pooey. There's far too much bottom snare in it, and as such there's no punch to it, just the smack of the snares. In AD, mess with the fader that controls the ratio of bottom to top snare. I typically keep it at 30% or so. Also make sure the compressor doesn't bring out the bottom too much.