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Jan 6, 2006
I have been asked by my contemporary issues teacher to find a song that relates to a contemporary issue and also find some images or videos that could accompany the lyrics. So...
If anyone has any good metal (I want it to be heavy because everyone will be bringing in their cheesy save the children and pray to god bullshit) songs that bluntly discuss some current events and even some images to accompany it, I would appreciate it!

Right now the only idea I have is "For the World to Dictate our Death" by Dimmu with some dead people and war and carnage and RAAARG! But that isn't exactly a very impressive song, the lyrics just fit.

Dying Fetus has political lyrics.

Carcass "Heartwork" has a few songs (blind leading the blind comes to mind) that could be interpreted as issue centered.

The Slayer song "Blood Red"

Any Bolt Thrower if you want to talk about war
Pantera - Mouth For War


actually i thought of one, it's about the ruthless exploitation of the third world by greedy globalist coporations :headbang: :kickass:

Nascency of evil
Money genuflect
Inner mind excresence
Depraving object
Dollar paranoia
Dominance of hate
Enchanting like a drug
They need it desperate

Genocidal raids
They have praised the Oath
In Unitied States
Now they sell death

And they will die
Why buy death?

Die a certain death

Must we take this hell?
Of the human race
Some are starved
Others live in galore
Just ain't right
That some are getting pittance

Carrion of a dog lying dead
Disembowl this animal eat the flesh

They're coming in the night
And they have to fight
About a piece of offal
That's the feral world

Eat the flesh and get sick, see the dead
Fatal life slips away get no help
They're coming in the night
And they have to fight
About a piece of offal
That's the feral world

In South Africa
Give oppression gold
Help them blast the Black

Then you will die
Why buy death?

as far as i can tell this board is all for extermination of minorities and a drastic change in world order. The political mindset you're looking for is probably non-existent here.

Go ask at a punk or core forum.
how about megadeth's countdown to extinction? the song takes an environmentalist stand against industrialization..perfect for a discussion regarding third world countries who offer their natural resources just so they could keep up with the other countries in terms of technological and industrial advancement..plus your classmates wouldn't be in much culture shock..
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