If you don't mind...

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the first song that came to mind was 1000 eyes by Death. It goes well with the contemporary issue of government invovement, spying and so forth

could prove to be interesting
Anyone have songs about the evils of cultural globalization? Hah. You should choose a song about that.
Perdition's Light said:
Yeah, you need some NSBM for this project.
the only good nsbm band is burzum the rest are a bunch of assholes although varg is an ass himself but still burzum is the only good nsbm band
Dodens Grav said:
I'm not sure Neo-Nazi would be the term to describe him, but whatever...

i herd him say some racials slurs and he has nationalastic pride. he was also in that list of famous white surpremacists on answers.com. if not neo nazi then just a euro trash biggot.
There's a difference between national socialists, nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-nazis.
Al Bundy said:
i herd him say some racials slurs and he has nationalastic pride.
Um...by that definition like 50% of the regular posters on this board are neo-nazis.
I have fucking nationali...wait no. I have pride in my heritage, and use racial slurs quite frequently..

I'm not a fucking Nazi.
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