If you found out Steve Harris was a kiddie fiddler...

Originally posted by Moon Child
Sorry to bring down the light-hearted tone of this thread but I have to say this......The sad thing is that there are so many men in this world that are like this. If you were a girl, you would know it. There are so many pigs out there that noone would suspect.....so maybe he is one too.

That's all, please continue....... :)

I totally agree with you on that one ......
Exactly, Moony. Who would have suspected Gary Glitter of being a fan of kiddie porn, for example? They're everywhere and most of the time we're oblivious to it.
Yeah..now that i have my own kids, i dont even find this subject something that should be joked about. I know a friend, who is now an adult, and confided in me about horrible things that were done to them while they were a child. There are some VERY sick people out there.

I don't see any humour in the subject.
I spoke to him about this - he said he meant it to be a serious question, but used a term that everyone knew (ie, kiddie fiddler) which I think was a slight error of judgement :)
I get the whole lets discuss abuse of children concept (yuk) -its very sad indeed.

Mark - why did you ask this question specific to Steve? Isn't that sort of slanderous / defamatory etc ?

Especially when you are "in the know" so much more then all of us.

I like Steve (so far) and I would prefer some straight information if you have it to give.
I think he just used Steve as an example because he's the main man in the band. I'm sure if this was an Iced Earth forum he would have said Jon Schaffer, just as he would have mentioned Michael Weikath on a Helloween forum and Tim on a Dungeon forum. :)

Happy to help.
Hey! What rumours have you heard?! I... Oh... I see what you mean! :blush: :grin:

(No, folks, I really *am* kidding here!)

BTW, don't let my kidding around on the subject think that I don't take this shit seriously or anything, everyone! But you do gotta admit that a fat, old, bald man in a sparkly suit is pretty easy to joke about! :lol:
Originally posted by Los4words
I get the whole lets discuss abuse of children concept (yuk) -its very sad indeed.

Mark - why did you ask this question specific to Steve? Isn't that sort of slanderous / defamatory etc ?

Especially when you are "in the know" so much more then all of us.

I like Steve (so far) and I would prefer some straight information if you have it to give.


Is it slanderous? No. Why? Because it's a hypothetical - nowhere have I actually suggested he IS.

And I'm not "in the know" at all anymore. Do you think they would tell me if he was a kiddie fiddler even if I *did* work for Maiden? Come on!!
I just think it is in bad taste thats all - why use him name at all - even hypothetically.

also, where is the humour in all this - some of you people are sick.
I dont want to speak for Mark, but I think he was asking if you found out that someone in a band you like was doing something you found reprehensible, would you still enjoy the music?

Its not Marks fault that some jokes were made :(