If you found out Steve Harris was a kiddie fiddler...

I'm guessing because I posted some "humour" on it, I'm one of the "sick" ones...

At the end of the day, it's human nature to joke about tragic events, no matter how horrible.

Great example - 9/11.. A terrible, terrible tragedy and I doubt anyone here would ever wish anything like that to ever happen again but still we joke about it? Why? Are we disrespecting the innocent people that died that day? Are we saying the event is trivial and we don't care it happend? No. Sometimes we joke about it to ease the pain of a tragedy, sometimes the jokes are to make us feel a little more comfortable talking about something so terrible... Plenty of reasons.

Sure, of course there are some people who just don't get it and make jokes about terrible incidents because they think it's funny. You're always gonna get that.

I would seriously doubt that a single person here that made a joke in this thread is one of those sort of insensitive pricks. It's just black humour on a very painful and important issue...
Don't worry, Tim - us sickos have to stick together! :)

Some people just need to a) lighten up, and b) stop taking the moral high ground every time a somewhat controversial topic is discussed.
Just for the record, I don't think anyone here is sick. Yes, we all do make jokes and laugh about sad events in life...i guess its one way of dealing with the constant horrible things that happen in life, otherwise we could become very depressed.

For me personally, i don't see ANY humour in child sex abuse, I guess because i have recently become a father, and from someone close to me who has been through it, it makes you realise you have to be concsious of the sicko's out there, which is sad in a way that you basically cannot trust anyone with your kids....sometimes not even blood relatives.

I know the light-heartedness of the some of the posts here, do not condone the subject though.

Peace. :)
I'm such a duffer !

Like always I over reacted - apologies to all ok. Yes I need to lighten up and think before I post - i saw red on what I misinterpreted as a defamatory statement without any proof and of course it was nothing like that. I get now what Mark meant - purpose of this thread and I apologise for my posts.

Ive had a lot of my mind lately and to see one of my idols pulled down was a bit too much - sorry ok. I think i just read this thread at the wrong time.

Cheers all, no hard feelings I hope.
Back after three days.........hehe I knew this thread would go far.

I agree with what Moony said before. There are so many greasy men out there who you would hate to come within a mile of your daughter/sister/whatever.
OK I was trying to stay away from this one but after a few days of reading the posts put here I thought I would put in my 2 bob's worth.
The music is still the same so I would continue being a fan of the "music".
I agree with Moony entirely......there are always some member of a family deicding it is in their god given right to do as they please. It is part of growing up I think that this sort of thing will be encounted by most females.I know I did....god my sisters and I were taken away from my mother and her then boyfriend by the authorites.it is a problem that will always be part of society...we live in a horrible world.
OK enough now!
I will always love the music no matter what that persons political,spirtual,sexual beliefs and practices are!
Um dunno as I have kids ...........this is pretty serious topic , maybe not cause that is pretty sick when you think about it . To admire what a man does in his chosen profession and then find out he molests kids , gee sounds like a Catholic preist , yes I can say that as I am Catholic . Nar not likey if was true ............
I get the jovial/joking aspect of the thread, but it's surprising how eagerly people said they'd still be a fan. Some albums are too brilliant to be deleted, but if it was a fav band I'd at least get rid of my CDs and shirts and probably downgrade their favourite band status. A few members of my fav bands have done some questionable stuff (Bobby Liebling, Genesis P-Orridge and Jimmy Page etc.) and a few bands have problematic songs, but nothing so heinous as far as I know.

I had two Dungeon albums + one LORD album downloaded - happily now deleted. Luckily didn't like them enough to own them in this instance. But fucking hell... the fact Tim participated in this thread makes it yet more twisted.
A lot of well-known people have probably done stuff you'd shun people in general life for doing e.g. 30-year-old musicians with underage groupies. Some things are worse than others though and can't be forgiven.