If you knew how to create Artificial Intelligence, would you do it?

I would use it to create an interactive supercomputer.
Then I would force it to look up the most cringe-worthy porn for me...just to fuck with it.
Depends on it's capabilities. Is this artificial intelligence built into weapon systems? If so, it may not be a good idea. ;)

If it's an isolated system only capable of simple communication, maybe. It might be interesting if it truly has no bias or emotion. Then again, that may be bad, too.

Interesting question....
Can anyone say Cylons? I'm just saying..... If they are all gonna look like Number Six? Sign me up for all the AI we can create!

As long as they have a climate controlled vagina and cooking knowledge, I think I'm in.
serious answer: yes, i would create artificial intelligence if i knew how... but only if i could also create a fail-safe way to destroy it at any moment. it would have to be fail-safe. otherwise, no.

not so serious answer: the only way i would create artificial intelligence is if i was on my way out of this bitch. the gift that keeps on giving. ;)
serious answer: yes, i would create artificial intelligence if i knew how... but only if i could also create a fail-safe way to destroy it at any moment. it would have to be fail-safe. otherwise, no.

Well that's kind of the whole point. I don't think you could built a fail-safe and keep it there. It would be too tempting to release it.
Well that's kind of the whole point. I don't think you could built a fail-safe and keep it there. It would be too tempting to release it.

ah... well, i would just think of it as a fly swatter. assuming we are basing this AI on Asimov's three laws?

it's just a way to institute "order" on your creation. my point is... as long as there is balance, then it would be worth the endeavor.
You realize the risk you're taking saying things like that when I'm around, now ? :D

I had a feeling you'd be hunting around for any sign of my cock :D

I'm fucking crying of laughter here :D

Ontopic: the thing with the failsafe is that if it's real sentient artificial intelligence, this will become a major ethical situation sooner or later. After all, the only real superiority we have over them is "we made you guys". That's suppression. My parents made me too, but I don't think that gives them the right to kill me if I don't behave like they expected me to.
I would also take every precaution to ensure that the artificial intelligence never connected to the Internet. That would be potentially disasterous.

But that's the problem - if true AI is (by definition) "the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior", part of human behavior is the thirst for knowledge, the ability to seek out the answer for the question posed. If AI is simply limited to a limited data set than it's not acting intelligently, it's really just going with the statistically best guess from it;s limited data set which may not cover the given topic.

One of my favorite examples of recent AI demonstrations was when IBM's Watson competed on Jeopardy. Not so much the actual competition, but the videos and information that were released to coincide with it. They showed how the difficult part was not getting the answer once the clear question was asked, it was the interpretation of the human language we use - one where precise words are often not given, one in which we use slang, we use nebulous terminology, obscure references; that was the real difficult part. The answer once the question was understood was a simple matter of statistical probability, but because in Jeopardy sometimes not guessing is the strategically better option as a wrong answer will cost you.

If you have not watched the series of videos about Watson - they were interesting and were insightful as to all the little subtleties of AI.


We are talking about the true AI, not programmed AI.
True AI is made of artificial neurons that can form new connections while learning.

Science fiction movies made us think that sooner or later such AI will try to eliminate humans because it will think that we are the biggest threat to its existence (by turning off the power switch for example).

I think that the biggest problem with that assumption is that the fear of dying or ceasing to function comes rather from our animal insticts than from our intelligence and IMO 99% of aggression comes from fear and/or not being able to peacefully solve the more or less inconvenient situation we are afraid of.

So if we only have a machine that is 1000 times more intelligent than us, but has no desires and no fears - it will simply be our best tool for making new scientific discoveries.
Should we?

Immortality, teleportation, cold fusion etc... all the future technologies that could possibly turn this hell on Earth into heaven on Earth or wipe out all life on the planet.

Are we ready to wield such a great power ?

I don't think so.

But we can't stop scientific progress, so it will come.