If you knew how to create Artificial Intelligence, would you do it?

Agree, I don't doubt that it will happen either. Curiosity is in our nature, so it's just a matter of time.

I can't for the life of me remember where I have seen it, but there was this technological prediction chart that a group of researchers had been working on since the 70's or so, and it was still rather accurate nowadays, give or take a few years here and there.

What I found interesting about it was that it didn't just make predictions of when something would be invented, but it also stated best and worst case scenarios that could come with those inventions. And for the things that have already been invented by now, the outcome was pretty much always exactly in between those 2 extremes.

I think this thing will be no different. Killer rapebots from the future will probably not come to steal our babies (sadly), but there may be things not going exactly as we planned. Probably tons of ethical dilemmas. Maybe even some form of social restructuring, depending on how sentient and emotional these being will be.

I, for one, welcome our new rapebot overlords.

EDIT: Watching that singularity video now. So far pretty interesting! But the AE in me is screaming about that narrator recording...ffs was he in a rockingchair?
would you like to see something likes this happening?


btw realtime ps3 graphics!! neat isn't it
I hate ps3 but this time they proved to be superior!

It's kinda surprising/puzzling/disturbing because the conceptors did a great job at showing what could be the traits of "character" of a new AI, and how human-like it could be. Right from the first exchanges of words, it feels like she's someone, it created sympathy in me, absolutely not maling me consider her just a practical object. It's very interesting.
Maybe A.I would conclude that love and goodwill is the way forward and we would have a scenerio opposite to the terminator movies..... i say make it but be certain it could be contained and destroyed if things go bad
Would you consider computerizing part of your brain if it was the only alternative to getting Alzheimer's? <-- That's a loaded question. I do not know my answer.

Definitely, i'd rather have a slightly computerised brain than Alzheimer's. After seeing my Great granddad go through it and my Great grandma care for him, i'd hate to be in/put someone I care about in that situation.

Plus i'd like to remember my own achievements in life. Losing complete sight of who I am, and who the people around me that I care(d) about are, is a thought that scares the shit out of me.

Edit: I could also pretend I was a character from Ghost in the shell, which would make life infinitely more awesome.
I've always thought that artificial intelligence combined with human brain power would lead us to the ultimate evolutionary phase in which we as species control our own evolution according to the circumstances, not just adapt to them, but blow them away.
How cool would it be to have a computerized part of your brain which can store (and recall, not like our memory) tons of information, download languages, knowledge, skills... Imagine what kind of paradigm shift would humanity go through...
I've always thought that artificial intelligence combined with human brain power would lead us to the ultimate evolutionary phase in which we as species control our own evolution according to the circumstances, not just adapt to them, but blow them away.
How cool would it be to have a computerized part of your brain which can store (and recall, not like our memory) tons of information, download languages, knowledge, skills... Imagine what kind of paradigm shift would humanity go through...

I would be waiting Toontrack to release EZBrain which proposes presets whenever you look at your DAW by processing your optical nerve

Seriously though, the Alzheimer question is a no brainer. Also if you could interface our 5 senses especially vision, audition, and touch, it would be neat. I myself could see how extraordinary would be to have a plane HUD right in my vision. You could integrate noise cancellation so that I wouldn't need a headset anymore. I could receive physical/nerve information that would be the image of the aerodynamics on the moving parts of the plane, to get a body feeling of what is happening on top of the center of gravity accelerations. That would be tremendous. In a loong long future (like 100/150 years) I could see it happening in state of the art military aircraft.
^Yea I agree. I would consider having this upgrade to my brain, even if it wasn't for medical reasons. I think it would be one of the biggest evolutionary jumps mankind can make. I understand that many people would have moral obligations with this, but I'm fairly pragmatic and I see too many plus-points to this development to not go with it.

Almost everything I do is already in some way connected to computers. Having that same computer connected straight to my brain would only remove an outdated medium from the equation and free me from being physically bound to it. Imagine being able to take a walk while mixing in your mind, or making music or sharing ideas with other people by plugging into their brains. That's something I dream of!

What I cannot deny is that a lot of people will lose their jobs and stuff like that. That really does suck. Objectively though, the same thing happened in the industrial revolution. I think most people will agree that the industrial revolution was a good thing in the end and the ethical situations involved have solved themselves eventually (or are still being sorted out). Times of change are always hard, but I think they are necessary to evolve as a species and not stagnate.

To add another matter to this discussion, here's another question:
Do you think that cyborgism is a natural form of evolution?
:D If it helps you understand for my part: I am diagnosed with asperger syndrome and my thought-patterns are often (overly) focused on my personal goals, and barely influenced by emotional context. It's practical for myself, but I've been in situations where people got mad at me for rationalizing everything. I guess that's not the normal thing to do, but for me it's the only way I know to deal with problems. I bet it can seem narrow-minded from the outside. It isn't completely though. I do factor in things like ethics and feelings when forming an opinion. They just don't weigh as hard for me.

An ethical dilemma like this one isn't any different from that perspective. For me the question is basically just: do you want to have your brain, or do you want to have your brain with hazarai? I don't feel any special connection to my body that I don't feel towards any other object I use. To me it's just a machine that I use as a tool to manifest myself in this world. A vessel.
So if you would see it like that, could you imagine it is an easy choice to upgrade it?
This is what I do my research on currently, although I focus mainly on the evolution/optimisation/learning part rather than the AI as such.

I'm not particularly worried about creating true artificial intelligence. We don't have the computing power. But maybe one day, which will create an interesting moral dilema. It will effectively rip apart our current perceptions of right and wrong, preservation, emotion, compassion etc.
This is what I do my research on currently, although I focus mainly on the evolution/optimisation/learning part rather than the AI as such.

I'm not particularly worried about creating true artificial intelligence. We don't have the computing power. But maybe one day, which will create an interesting moral dilema. It will effectively rip apart our current perceptions of right and wrong, preservation, emotion, compassion etc.

It will happen in our times, for sure before we grow old and die.
It will happen in our times, for sure before we grow old and die.

Beware the internet and it's oversimplifications. We may end up with the same raw computing power as the brain next year (not something that is well defined at all), but that's not the same as being able to actually simulate a brain.

This is our best bet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Brain_Project

I'm sceptical on this. I suspect that there will be significant limitations the model that is currently being used to simulate the brain. A huge amount of what we see as "intelligence" is in fact learned experience.

The simulation may get something intelligent in some abstract sense of the word, but it's unlikely to be similar to our own. Nonetheless, I wish the guys at the Blue Brain project the best, that would be very interesting in itself.
This is what I do my research on currently, although I focus mainly on the evolution/optimisation/learning part rather than the AI as such.

I'm not particularly worried about creating true artificial intelligence. We don't have the computing power. But maybe one day, which will create an interesting moral dilema. It will effectively rip apart our current perceptions of right and wrong, preservation, emotion, compassion etc.

It will be a very interesting era indeed. Probably a point that marks the end of our current age (as in stone age, metal age, etc.). I've always wondered what such a shift must be like for the people living through it. Do you think we will see it in our lifetime? Edit: nevermind, I see you have already answered this :)

Wow again. What is it like to have aspergers?

Heh, good question! Really hard to answer, because I've grown up with it, so I don't have an outside point of reference. But if I have to describe it, I should mention two points: what it is like in a private atmosphere, and what it is like in real world situations.

When I'm by myself, I actually really like it. I have no trouble concentrating on a single thing for months, as long as I find that thing interesting. It becomes the only thing that is important in my world and I feel strongly connected to it.
This is probably the reason why I got into audio engineering in the first place. I love mixing. Listening to the fine details and hearing the tiny nuances while fiddling with knobs. It is of such absurd beauty to me that it deeply saddens me how few people pay attention to it. They say the devil is in the details. I think the meaning of life is.

A downside to this hyper-focus is the perfectionism that comes with it. I'm really good at driving myself crazy over miniscule stuff. Even while writing this, I am redoing every sentence 3 times. Every mistake I make burns me up. Just for fun, pay attention to my posts sometime, and you will notice that 9 out of 10 have been edited afterwards.
Bryan Kilco has a quote of me saying something with a typo in it, and it bothers me every time I see it :D Bryan, if you read this, please change "peace" to "piece", so I don't have to hang myself!

In real world situations, things become troublesome. I feel incompatible with almost everything. I can't understand the motivations of others and it often scares or angers me. I have trouble following rules and programs if I don't agree with them fully. School was troublesome because of this. Straight A's for half the courses, and zilch for everything else.

Luckily, my social skills aren't as bad as they are commonly with the autistic folks. I know how to act around people so they like me. I have to force myself to behave that way actively though. You know, copying their movements and facial expressions.
The obvious downside to this is that it takes so much energy to be around other people that I have to keep social situations to a minimum.

Friends who know about it have asked me why I don't try to drop the mask and just be like I really am, but I think that would be a very bad idea. I've had a few moments in my life where I was too tired to keep up the act and had to drop it for a minute. All of those ended with someone being shocked and hurt. Especially my wife and my mother were absolutely crushed. It's just not worth it.

Parties are a disaster. People are talking to me about boring shit, while I'm trying to listen to the miracle that is playing on the stereo. At the same time I'm feeling lonely, because nobody else seems to notice that god is speaking to them.
But luckily I have found you guys ;)

I hope that answers it a bit. I had to cut out a lot of stuff because I was writing a book. Believe it or not, this is the short version. :D

Now back to the robots acting like humans...oh wait.
*Hooks up USB 20.0 to wrist port*

*uploads all vital info from body/brain to computer*

*makes backup*


I just want to be able to record my dreams. That is all.
Bryan Kilco has a quote of me saying something with a typo in it, and it bothers me every time I see it :D Bryan, if you read this, please change "peace" to "piece", so I don't have to hang myself!

Oh damn, dude! Changed!! Don't hang yourself!

I may as well have aspergers as well......realized that a lot of what you describe, I find in myself. Interesting.
It will be a very interesting era indeed. Probably a point that marks the end of our current age (as in stone age, metal age, etc.). I've always wondered what such a shift must be like for the people living through it. Do you think we will see it in our lifetime? Edit: nevermind, I see you have already answered this :)

Heh, good question! Really hard to answer, because I've grown up with it, so I don't have an outside point of reference. But if I have to describe it, I should mention two points: what it is like in a private atmosphere, and what it is like in real world situations.

When I'm by myself, I actually really like it. I have no trouble concentrating on a single thing for months, as long as I find that thing interesting. It becomes the only thing that is important in my world and I feel strongly connected to it.
This is probably the reason why I got into audio engineering in the first place. I love mixing. Listening to the fine details and hearing the tiny nuances while fiddling with knobs. It is of such absurd beauty to me that it deeply saddens me how few people pay attention to it. They say the devil is in the details. I think the meaning of life is.

A downside to this hyper-focus is the perfectionism that comes with it. I'm really good at driving myself crazy over miniscule stuff. Even while writing this, I am redoing every sentence 3 times. Every mistake I make burns me up. Just for fun, pay attention to my posts sometime, and you will notice that 9 out of 10 have been edited afterwards.
Bryan Kilco has a quote of me saying something with a typo in it, and it bothers me every time I see it :D Bryan, if you read this, please change "peace" to "piece", so I don't have to hang myself!

In real world situations, things become troublesome. I feel incompatible with almost everything. I can't understand the motivations of others and it often scares or angers me. I have trouble following rules and programs if I don't agree with them fully. School was troublesome because of this. Straight A's for half the courses, and zilch for everything else.

Luckily, my social skills aren't as bad as they are commonly with the autistic folks. I know how to act around people so they like me. I have to force myself to behave that way actively though. You know, copying their movements and facial expressions.
The obvious downside to this is that it takes so much energy to be around other people that I have to keep social situations to a minimum.

Friends who know about it have asked me why I don't try to drop the mask and just be like I really am, but I think that would be a very bad idea. I've had a few moments in my life where I was too tired to keep up the act and had to drop it for a minute. All of those ended with someone being shocked and hurt. Especially my wife and my mother were absolutely crushed. It's just not worth it.

Parties are a disaster. People are talking to me about boring shit, while I'm trying to listen to the miracle that is playing on the stereo. At the same time I'm feeling lonely, because nobody else seems to notice that god is speaking to them.
But luckily I have found you guys ;)

I hope that answers it a bit. I had to cut out a lot of stuff because I was writing a book. Believe it or not, this is the short version. :D

Now back to the robots acting like humans...oh wait.

That is fucking awesome. Feel free to give the long version, I would love to read it. You are doing the right thing by putting on a mask in real world situations. But don't look at yourself as an outcast. You probably see the world better than most people.

Would you change it if you could?
^ I want the both of you to have my children :D

Thanks Bryan! I am still honored for being in your sub; just felt like a retard for it haha. And it could very well be that you have some form of it. I think it's not that uncommon. Autism in general is something you hear a lot about. With the field of psychiatry and psychology still being very young, we have a lot to learn about it, but we do know it comes in a lot of shapes and intensities.
I didn't know I had it until a few years ago either btw. I always thought I was just eccentric or oversensitive or something. In a way, it was a relief for me to hear that diagnose. It helped put things in perspective, and eased my feelings of guilt over past situations a bit. Some things that happened still suck, but at least I understand now WHY they happened.

Genius (clever name, making people address you like that :D), again good question! Right on the money. Because it is one that I struggle with a lot. Thing is, this asperger thing isn't the only psychological problem I have. It's part of a complexer diagnosis that causes me a lot more grief. I won't go into detail here, because the internet is still a public place and not everyone out there has good intentions. Let's just say that those issues have strongly influenced who I am today, but they also make life almost unbearable over extended periods every now and then.

So the answer to your question would depend on what phase I'm in. Currently, I would say: No, I wouldn't want to change it. If I would, there would be nothing left of me. And despite the troubles it gives, the beauty I get in return often makes life worth living. Also, I use some of the things I've seen and heard as themes for my music, so that's practical!

But those bad periods man...those are traumatizing. The only thing I can hold onto during those is the knowledge that they will end again sooner or later. I'm deathly afraid of getting stuck in that mode some day.

If you want to hear more, feel free to pm me. I am starting to feel bad for derailing this thread with my personal issues, so I should probably stop now :)