If you like Cryptopsy...


Podcaster of Steel
Mar 2, 2002
Anyway, I was at a used CD store today looking around, and I picked up a Cryptopsy CD, opened it up, and the CD jacket was signed by all the band members. It was the Whisper Supremacy album.

It was only $8. I didn't buy it because I don't even listen to these guys, but I thought it would be a cool thing to get for someone who was a fan.

Fascinating story, huh? :dopey:
Originally posted by Sadistik
I'd kill for an autographed copy of anything with Lord Worm. I hate DiSalvo.....

God forbid a death metal band have a vocalist who could control himself... heh... DiSalvo always seemed down to Earth... from what I know of Lord Worm, lyrics to begin with, he's a wackjob...
Haha....Lord Worm was fucking crazy! Apparently he quit to get a job at a brewing factory (for "job security") and right after he left, they broke! But I don't think they could have gotten as popular w/him on vox, because he was so insanely nuts and quite the acquired taste.
last August or something i went to what i think was the first gig for the new singer, i think. it was at the underworld and he was brilliant, loads of energy, good voice and he seemed to actually care about the fans and all. :cool:
Originally posted by _Transparent_
last August or something i went to what i think was the first gig for the new singer, i think. it was at the underworld and he was brilliant, loads of energy, good voice and he seemed to actually care about the fans and all. :cool:

I'm curious about how the new singer is. Does he growl deep?
Can you compare him with Lord Worm?
I saw Crytopsy live a few weeks back. Of the four bands playing - they were the worse.

It was partially due to a lousy sound mix, but they just sounded like noise - almost like a stereo blasting tuned in between stations.

Oh well - and this coming from someone who thinks Dimmu Borgir ruled the world that night.