If you like Dimmu Borgir, check out Old Man's Child


Dec 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
Old man's child happens to have some similarities, but it's really unfair to compare the two bands. Though i think that In Defiance of Existance is most dimmu-like, their other stuff doesn't really compare much IMO. Other than that, i agree that they are probly better overall for my tastes and In Defiance is probly one of the best albums of '03.
Right you are, theodyssey, both bands have different styles, BUT... if you were going to recommend OMC to someone, you'd prolly name-drop Dimmu.

Even 'In Defiance of Existance' doesn't sound totally like Dimmu, it still has that organic feel that Dimmu lacks. That's my main gripe about 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia'... the cold and clinical production.
In defiance of existance has balls... and not just any ol' balls... this has like watermelon sized balls... this record has testicular fortitude my friends. Go do yourself a favor and purchase this album.
are we the only two people who listen to OMC here??? :lol:

by the way, i got the limited edition version of In Defiance of Existance with the sort of fucked up slide out digipak... have you seen it?
it's great, but the packaging is horrible for the limited edition... i mean, i love wierd packaging, but this is some wierd ass slide out type of thing..... i wish i woul dhave got the jewel case on this one :(