If you play guitar...


Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
...Who influenced you to pick it up and play?

More importantly who inspired you to keep playing, who has the greatest influence on your style?

For me James Hetfield influenced me to pick up the guitar, and I know this sounds [obscenely] cliche but Dimebag inspired me to keep playing.

But John Lee Hooker and Carlos Santana have the greatest influence on my playing to be honest with you guys.
John Frusciante, Matt Bellamy and Adrian Smith influenced me to play
Jason Becker, Dave Mustaine, Jimmy Page, Alex Skolnick inspire me to stick with it
Alex Skolnick, Jason Becker, Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix have had the greatest influence on my playing
allen collins form skynyrd got me to pick the thing up. dragonforce got me out of strictly 'classic rock' and into heavy metal and dave mustaine/marty friedman changed the way i play completely
I picked up a guitar because I wanted to play nofx on it, that lasted like a year, i was really into melodic hardcore, I was a big green day fan too. Then one day somebody gave me master of puppets, I listened to battery and I was :OMG:

when I listened to the solo in battery, I remember thinkin....you can do that with a guitar? Thats what kept me playing, Master of puppets made me see the light. Nowadays I would say dave mustaine is me biggest influence.
As a bass player, probably Cronos of venom. Black Metal is one of the first songs I learned. Besides that, the bassline from Possum Kingdom by The Toadies. Dear god that is pure 4 note genius. I could play 0 0 3 4 all day.
It was probably my mum who inspired me to pick up the guitar, because growing up she was always strumming around on an acoustic around the house, and i wanted to be able to do that too because i loved listening to music, so playing must be just as awesome.

I started learning how to play towards the tail end of 1996 when i was 9 years old. Initially i started out trying to play songs by ear, some little Metallica riffs here and there, but i wasn't as immersed in the metal as i am now. I used to think it was awesome to sit there playing Nirvana and Marilyn Manson songs on one string. But fuck, i was only 9 so i think that's alright.

I think the guitarist who pushed me to keep playing and to become better was Tony Iommi. When i was around 14-15 i would sit in my room and try my hardest to learn those early Black Sabbath songs. Totally by ear i might add, even though i wasn't that much of a guitarist at the time. That was awesome because it's how i discovered the minor pentatonic scale by accident. I just noticed that in some of the riffs and in alot of the sections of the solos that i was able to play there was this reccurring pattern. Top stuff.

From about that age i pretty much started buying every guitar magazine i could find every month, trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible because i new i actually wanted to be good, but i finally knew HOW to be good.

I didn't really start putting in the 10 + hours a day practice until i was about 18, and it's only now, after recording my playing, that i've seen how far i've come. I know i've still got a long way to go, but who cares... I CAN FUCKING SHRED, SWEEP, TAP, AND RIP THE SHIT OUTTA MY FRETBOARD.

As far as guitarists who have influenced the way i play i can't really say. I mean i have a lot of favourite guitarists and i learn a lot of guest columns in guitar magazines and stuff, but i think it's only in improvisation where you see what your style really is, and if that's the case i'd have to say my lead guitar style is mostly a mashed mix of Yngwie Malmsteen, Chuck Schuldiner, and Dave Mustaine.
Nige Rockett, Dave Mustaine and Dimebag (I know, cliche but true) inspired me to pick it up.
Dave Mustaine, Robb Flynn and Alex Skolnick inspired me to stick with it.
Nige Rocket, Eric Peterson and Robb Flynn influenced my writing and playing style.
I take it you're not a fan of Nige Rockett then Dave? Or Robb Flynn.:lol:

As for me, I haven't picked up a guitar yet. Its one of my resolutions for this year but I'm still paying off my toolbox at work and the student loan payback is going to start this year so it'll be tight.
Oh I completely forgot about Klaus Flouride. He is my bass, and rock god. Other than that, Frank Bello's basslines are magnificent, and Cliff's stuff on Kill em' All and Ride the Lightning were a big help/inspiration.

Klaus' site:


He was the bassist for the Dead Kennedys and he did quite a bit of solo stuff. Now he just plays with his buddies and a bit of solo stuff on the side.
We hereby commemorate the one known as screen name thrasherdave. His contribution to the forum was..... Anyway may he rest in pieces having been hacked to death with a chainsaw while still alive by Nige Rockett of Onslaught for calling him a "wank songwriter" and not actually meaning it.:lol: :lol:
:lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm touched!

Nah, I'd never stand for a bad word said against Nige, or any of the Onslaught lads. They're too nice.
Same goes for the Evile boys, any bad word said against them willresult in a solid backhand across yer fuckin' face and two hours on the naughty step!

6:03 is the reason I play.

Adrian Smith, Joe Satriani, Marty Friedman, Skolnick, M00staine are my biggest influences and inspired me to take it seriously.
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