If you were Gilligan, who would be your fellow castaways?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Pick 4 RCers and describe how they would be an asset in getting off the island.

Note - Susperia is Ginger, and Neurotica is Mary Anne.

Draft Picks

Capt. Beard with his knowledge of the sea would draft up a nautical map to direct us back towards civilization.
Doomcifer would be in charge of the manual labor (ie. the slaves we bartered coconuts for with a Swadushku tribal chieftain.)
Swizzlenuts with his radio station expertise would be able to construct a transmitter radio out of two coconuts.
Dorian Gray, to bring levity to the perilous situation.
NAD - We could use his body hiar to make rope
Lurch - Muscle man, or the guy who plucks the coconuts from even the tallest trees
MFJ - Entertainment specialist
M00se - Encouragement to hurry the fuck up with escaping the island
How has it exactly been rampant? You're saying it's not proportional to the amount of trolling?

Quote Demilich before me, :lol:

Anyways, I have noticed it is all, so I will agree. Nothing more, nothing less.

It;s directly proportional to the size of my Maximus Johnson. Speaking of which...

edit - I also can see where you are coming from as well. Boy, Im really firm huh? lmfao I think my cold is catching up to me.
well, when one person thinks it's overboard, I'd let it slide. But when it's two, I think twice. But either way, you don't really have to speculate to see how Moose has declined into Profanity-esque proporations. I'm guessing he doesn't give a shit anymore but can't voluntarily drag himself away a la Erik.
Explain to me why he's so bad. He is to me as Susperia is to most of this board, namely they don't understand why so many people hate her..
I dunno what the issue is either. I assume it has to do with talking to him fairly often off the message boards and having a different idea of him though.