If you've got strong political opinions...

I am Patriotic, but I'm not an extermist. I think Milano is an extremist. He has the right to run his mouth full of venom aimed at whom ever he chooses. I find that, he comes off more like an imbicile more often than not. He's not very articulate & has this kind of "caveman" mentality. I know, I know, he's from NYC therefore, he thinks he has the right to blast the middle east, right? He probably lost someone close to him in the 9/11 attacks. Listen, my brother who lives in NYC was on the damn Brooklyn Bridge, that morning, going to work a number of blocks near the towers.
Talk about close calls, eh?! I will look it over, but I'm sure I won't see anything worth commenting on. You have to remember, this is the man, that jumped all over Scott Ian & started to drop every defamitory remark known to man, when it came to his "jewish" beliefs.
How classy, eh?!:Puke:
madcheese9377 said:
Yeah, if they want a fucking war why don't they do it the old fashoned way and start the fight, instead they're sneaking behind our backs like Cockroaches.

Just to be fair we can be sneaky too like when we use snipers or radio controlled bombers. :rolleyes: Anyways politics shouldnt be discussed in a music forum because it almost always leads to arguments that isn't constructive. :zombie:
Billy Milano should stick to music since his opinions are usually badly argumented to say the least...... like sixx said he has this primitive caveman mentality.
And using some webspace on a Metal forum for political propaganda is kinda disturbing, don't you think?
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Just to be fair we can be sneaky too like when we use snipers or radio controlled bombers. :rolleyes: Anyways politics shouldnt be discussed in a music forum because it almost always leads to arguments that isn't constructive. :zombie:
I think there's a difference between the DC snippers & a memeber of the Taliban don't you think?!
Well since I'm not that old it is for me, it's just IMO, thats all. all of you guys are right here but I just wanted you guys to check out that thread and read what it says has been going on on the planes in midflight. I don't want to start any aruments or have people getting pissed off at something stipid I said. Please stop posting here everbody so it can just slowly make its way to the oblivion of threads that were never posted upon enough to stick around. just check out Billys' thread and thats pretty much it. I really don't want to piss anyone off or anything, peace brothers.
Hahahha I know what you were trying to do Mr.Cheese dont worry about it ... As for my Political thoughts hahaha they are staying right here with me :) I'm Patriotic to my Home state this is the land I am from it doesnt matter if it happens to be in the USA
JonnyD said:
Hahahha I know what you were trying to do Mr.Cheese dont worry about it ... As for my Political thoughts hahaha they are staying right here with me :) I'm Patriotic to my Home state this is the land I am from it doesnt matter if it happens to be in the USA

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That was hilarious, 'Mr. Cheese' :grin: . please just call me Mad
I should really stop replying to ths thread. but I can't help it sometimes.
sixxswine said:
I think there's a difference between the DC snippers & a memeber of the Taliban don't you think?!

I'm merely pointing out that the U.S. military can be sneaky as well. To say only the enemy is sneaky isn't being realistic or fair to this discussion. <shrugs> :yuk:
I got into a very heavy discussion there for fun, some Euro-America stupid discussion (hell, do I care, I'm a political zero, but I think I sounded like a pro:-)...huhu, Billy asked to stop at some point..."Not for the easyly offended" is said, haha, well, if you wanna have some fun ; go to the Milano forum !
Political or not, S.O.D. ruled !
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Just to be fair we can be sneaky too like when we use snipers or radio controlled bombers. :rolleyes: Anyways politics shouldnt be discussed in a music forum because it almost always leads to arguments that isn't constructive. :zombie:

Using snipers and radio controlled bombers on MILITARY TARGETS is not being sneaky - it's called fighting a war to win and limit casualties on both sides. Blowing up planes full of civilians, flying jets into office buildings, cutting the heads off of non-combatants and hiding weapons in mosques where innocent people go to worship is about as fanatical and low as you can get. Just keep in mind that if we took our gloves off and said fuck the rules like these animals have, there would be no more war on terror.
madcheese9377 said:
Please stop posting here everbody so it can just slowly make its way to the oblivion of threads that were never posted upon enough to stick around. just check out Billys' thread and thats pretty much it. I really don't want to piss anyone off or anything, peace brothers.
Awwww, c'mon man. and USMCO341 is right thats one thing that pisses me off. They are the ones blowing themselves up just to be assholes against us, sure we could do the same thing and go over their and bomb the whole country :Smug: , but we would become terroist in the eyes of the innocent that live here and there that only want what we want, peace.
I like what Carnut said too, I went in there and looked at that thread and replied so more people could read that and start talking about it and start arguing, and it worked for a while :grin: . I had fun.
Here's one that belong on here.
I was watching the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News last night.
Travis Tritt was on there, I like hearing what people have to say, about politics & tuned in...
He said something that hit the nail on the head.
He was saying something to the fact that, the liberal
actors & musicians are out to "convert" people & get them to vote
for what they are voting for. It hit me, that's what I have been saying all along.
I'm just an average guy, who the hell is going to listen to me?
It took balls to go on TV and call it how it is. He also went on to say
that that was the difference between Nashville & Hollywood. How true.
So when you vote this year, think about how you're voting & don't let some guy like Springsteen, The Dixie Chicks, John Travolta, influence your vote.
Vote for who you think is the best choice, not because Brad Pitt thinks is the right person. Like Dave Mustaine said, "No wonder the why the world thinks we're idiots!"
I was also looking, in an article where Alice Cooper said soemthing to the fact that don't listen to what a Rock Star says "We're Morons!"
Yeah fuck those guys. i shouldn't be allowed to vote cause I'm practically a vegetable when it comes to polotics. I may have an opinion here and there, but no one wants to listen to what I have to say. If I were to vote last time I would've voted for Bush, why? I dunno, and thats why I didn't vote at all.
The only thing I really liked about Bush was when 911 happened, he was on television talking shit to them, calling them cowards and such, that was badass.