should entertainers voice political opinions via songs, websites, etc...

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
im sure it comes as no suprise that musicians (and other entertainers) often use their songs, websites, tv spots, and other forms of media to voice their political opinions and agendas. i pose a simple question. should they use their media as a form to voice their opinion and get it to the masses.

my opinion: NO! 1) often these people do not know what they are talking about and are just speaking out because its a hollywood trend. they often dont know the facts and therefor spread misinformation.
2) they are spreading this information to a highly impressionable group. take system of a down for example. they are very well known to be activists, they dedicate songs and parts of their site to speaking out on whatever they feel. and through that it is like they are telling their fans what to believe. now i think its safe to say that most of SOAD's fans are teenagers. who are, for the most part, impressionable. using your power in the media to push your opinions on fans who are gullible is somthing that i strongly disagree with. these people use MTV television time to market their ideals to what has really been proven to be a culture market, founding all of the current trends in music, clothes, and consiquently politics. does this not seem like brainwashing to you? it does to me.
3) everyone has the right to their opinion. using your media status as a means to voice your opinion is pretty much saying that "my opinion is better than yours". and that is bullshit. each persons opinion has a right to their opinion and each persons opinion should be just as valid, no matter how uneducated. to use your media status as a soapbox is belittling to everyone else.
these people need to stop pushing their ideals on other people and let them form their own opinions. and while it may be their right to have their opinion, they shouldnt take advantage of mass media and gullable fans who dont know any better.

i am by no means saying they cant have an opinion, but they shouldnt use their status as a means to convince other people of their opinion. their opinion is not any better than anyone elses and therefor should not get any more attention than anyone elses opinion.
I disagree with just about everything you said. Don't you think that maybe some people listen to bands with provocative/political lyrics precisely because they don't sing about irrelevant bullshit? The only way I can see it as being harmful is if the artist in question isn't practicing what he/she is preaching, which certainly is a problem (a good non-metal example of this would be Chumbawamba, a band I used to have a ton of respect for). And as far as them not knowing what they're talking about, well fuck, do you think half the talk radio idiots out there have a clue what the fuck they're talking about half the time? Unless you want to somehow try to block access to any political discourse to anyone under the age of 18 or something, than I think that musicians'/actors/artists' opinions are just as valid as anyone else's out there, and 'impressionability' is not an excuse to stifle somebody's freedom of speech. Democracy isn't just for 'experts', it's for everyone, even people I don't agree with, as well as obvious morons and hypocrites.
Such a spicy topic for my first post!

You brought up some good and interesting points, Mr Roach. I don't think that all people who use their access to mass media to voice opinions do so with bad intent. Oftentimes when people have strong convictions they want to share them with others. Also, being praised for their personal expressions via music, they might think that all expressions are warranted. After so many hundreds of thousands of people tell you how wonderful you are, you may very well start believing you are better than "regular" people and feel you have every right to spout off about whatever you want.

I agree that this can have a big impact on teens or people who don't stop to think for themselves. But then, that is a bigger problem... why don't some people think for themselves? Why are some so easily influenced by others?

Bottom line: I am about as interested in hearing some musicians poiltical stance as I am about hearing who their favorite sports teams are.
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This is a great topic.

I think it really depends on the music of the band, and as my personal attache Duck Attack says, their practice-what-they-preachiness.

For Example, Daniel Gildenlow of Pain of Salvation is very, very vocal about his disgust toward war in general, and especially all the stuff in Iraq. But PoS' vocals have always had that slant, and it was no real surprise. They fell into the public eye based upon their music and lyrics, so I think his stance should be voiced. It's what the band is about.

On the other hand, we have Rosie ODonnell, who became famous because she was a stand-up comedian and then talk-show host. She started to use her fame as a sounding board for her beliefs. Completely different situation, and when she talks, I can't help but think 'Why the hell should anyone care what you think?'

Then again, she can say whatever she wants. It's her voice. If she chooses to do so, then more power to her. Even though she is a fat idiot.
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everyones opinion is valid. however joe schmoe doesnt have the same oprotunities to get his opinion out there. as i said, each persons opinion, no matter how uneducated, is valid. and with that said, each person should be able to voice their opinion equally. if i showed up at CNN, ABC, or MTV and tried to voice my opinion i would be laughed at and escorted out by security.

i really dont want to argue, so im not gonna go back and forth on this. so everyone feel free to chime in.
GR, I do agree with you that the media are too willing to indulge self-appointed messiahs and experts to sell a few more advertising spots. However, if I were to put myself in the position of an 'artist' is passionate about an issue and I was being provided a satellite-powered soapbox to speak from, would I turn down the opportunity? Probably not. It's just a matter of keeping your bullshit detector turned on at all times. It's usually pretty easy to tell the difference between someone who's formed an educated opinion on an issue and someone who's just talking out his ass. I'll let you decide which description applies to me! :D
I think it is important for a band to have some kind of message... Political or not, religious or anti-religious. Like duckattack mentioned, it is really important for some listeners, (when talking music) to share the same insight as the band (a satanist does not listen to christian metal, you know a.s.o.).

As for me, fx the main reason I hate Mainstreammusic (pop, rockpop, poprock) is for the complete stupidity, and bullshitted nonsense they spit out in public. Who gives a flying fuck of the sad bitch on Mtv puking of her x-boyfriend. That´s no honourable way to get the millions, I think.

I like extremeties and words of wisdom. Be it poetic or political. Religious or fantasy-tale-a-like.. This combination is found in metal music, and backed up with supreme musicianship it stimulates my passion for both musical art and profane lyrics. No bullshit, only deep personal thoughts, actions and beliefs!
First the question is irrelevant in the sense that in the US its a right to freely express your opinion.

Second I do understand where you are coming from. How many people would vote for arnold if he was not an actor?

Well by your logic GR, then a mojority of today's politicians shouldn't be able to express their opinions since most of them got to their current position through money and connections, Ahem.

Anyway, I say for the artists...go for it. There is so much crap out these days its good to hear people with something to say. They just have to be prepared for a public backlash if they say something unpopular a la the Dixie Chicks.

In a way, some hardcore country fans are a lot like some hardcore black metal heads. Just a thought though.
just to clarify. its a politicians job to talk about whats going on in politics. *goes back to letting this post simmer and grow*
genocide roach said:
its a politicians job to talk about whats going on in politics.
OK, does this mean that you're giving up your right to complain about (or hell, even praise) what politicians are doing, the state of the nation and of society? If your definition of democracy is to drag yourself into a voting booth every few years, than that's fine. Maybe discussing politics isn't my 'job', but it is a pretty serious hobby of mine. So a musician's job is only to entertain, is that what you're saying? So don't listen to or support artists that you don't find entertaining, it's as simple as that. If you don't want to hear artists speaking out on serious issues, don't buy their cd's. Nobody can force anything down your throat if you don't open your mouth.

Sorry I've posted so much on this thread, I'm not sure why I'm taking it so seriously. :cool:
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no, youre exagerating this :). everyone can ahve their opinion and has the right to voice it, debate it, etc. just like we're doing here. my gripe is that people take advantage of their position in society to push thier own agenda.

its somthin i spend alot of time doing to. ALOT of time. but i dont get the chance to go on tv and get my opinions heard do i? its sort of belittling to everyone dont ya think?
I dont think this is a big issue in music. As, even if one disagrees with the musicians beliefs and lyrics- as long they like the music it really shouldnt matter- in metal especially- where lyrics are almost irrelevant.