Ignitor-Take to the Sky 2004


Ignitor-Take to the Sky

Demo 2004


Ignitor is a five-piece band from Texas. They are a metal purists dream come true, incorporating the key elements that made bands such as Dio, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Diamond Head & Metallica, the legends that they are. Guitarists Beverly Bigelow & Stuart Laurence, take you to school & present us memorable, melodic & crunchy riffs. The rhythm section is very tight, though due to the production, they are buried behind the guitars & vocals. Ignitor cull from their speed & power metal influences, to deliver a well balanced six track demo. The only thing that needs additional attention are the lyrical department & at times the vocals appear to be a bit forced. Not that singer Erica Swinnich, is any slouch by any means, it just seems that, with more direction & an experienced producer behind the boards, she will reach highs that would amaze. An example of the lyrical woes is on the track entitled “Execution,” where the song lyrically, is very generic, though the arrangements & everything else is dead on. It makes you wonder if they saw that too? Currently the band is shopping this demo entitled “Take to the Sky.” With persistence, they will find a label that sees the potential that this band has to reach new heights.


1.) Demon Slayer-:worship:

2.) Execution-:ill:

3.) The Gray Ghost-:erk:

4.) Take to the Sky-:erk:

5.) The Last King Tiger-:worship:

6.) Lean Mean Leather Machine-:worship: