

that was

I just...

There is nothing I can say except that may have been one of the most intense things I've ever witnessed.
Ihsahn, along with Voyager, are now in my top favorite performances at ProgPower ever. Ihsahn and the Leprous guys were intense beyond description! What a magnificent experience! Thank you, Glenn!
I never thought I would ever hear Emperor songs live in my life, let alone at ProgPower. But, of course, it happened. Just a fantastic set. Kinda pissed I missed Leprous last year because they were phenomenal as a backing band, but really Ihsahn just OWNED that stage. One of the best shows I have ever seen, whether at ProgPower or MDF or the Masquerade or some podunk basement in East Atlanta. Beyond words.
I never thought I would ever hear Emperor songs live in my life, let alone at ProgPower. But, of course, it happened. Just a fantastic set. Kinda pissed I missed Leprous last year because they were phenomenal as a backing band, but really Ihsahn just OWNED that stage. One of the best shows I have ever seen, whether at ProgPower or MDF or the Masquerade or some podunk basement in East Atlanta. Beyond words.

I'm with you man. If I wasn't already pissed I missed Leprous last year, I sure as hell am now. Anyways though, hands down my favorite performance of the year so far. He was the act I was the most looking forward to and they exceeded my expectations by 1000%. Therion is the only one I see possibly beating it and that won't be easy.
OMFG......thank you, thank you, thank you Glenn!!!

This is by far my favorite PP performance ever. It was seriously like a religious experience. Leprous are just maniacs onstage and I love it. Ihsahn plays and sings with so much emotion and it's beautiful. I'm so thankful I was here to witness this performance.
I enjoyed this. My only complaint is that the loudness level took away from the texture and beauty displayed on the albums.
Man I was pretty damn tired (dead since last thursday) until Ihsahn started playing. Fantastic performance. I got quite distracted in the seats watching other people which annoyed me but shrug. I can't remember if it was them or Mob Rules though where the bass volume was a pain at times as you could easily feel the vibrations in the seat... Mob Rules I think. Main disappointment - no saxophonist; totally made up by the keyboard vocalist. He was fantastic.
This is by far my favorite PP performance ever. It was seriously like a religious experience.

I described it the exact same way after the set was over. I mean literally, this exact pair of sentences, verbatim.
I would just like to thank Arcturus for being unprofessional asshats. I listened to their discography and I was very unimpressed, and then Glenn announced Ihsahn. I figured listening won't hurt, and I was much more enthralled than I anticipated. The Barren Lands gives me chills every time I hear it, and hearing it open their set was no different. What a performer! I was absolutely blown away by their precision and just overall...perfection? They were unbelievable.

Thank you Ihsahn for being an absolute pro, and thank you Glenn for broadening horizons.
Best ppusa set I've seen, hands down. I loved how the keyboard player hummed the sax part for their last song, On The Shores. That's one of my favorite songs and they totally pulled it off!!
Totally FANTASTIC performance...Thank you Glenn for getting Ihsahn....Totally unbelievable performance!!