
My wife doesn't really care for this sort of music and Ihsahn's set is all she can talk about right now. It was one of the best live performances that I have ever seen anywhere.
I came into this with no understanding of Ishan's music. I decided to give it a shot live though. I left thinking it was quite possibly one of the most "Wow" sets I've seen. I think what helped for me was being in the seats, and kind of just taking it in, and the contrast between the man and the music. He looks and seems so placid, calm, and .. I don't know.. logical? To see him do what he did was just mind-blowing.

I loved it. I don't think it's going to change my mind about the music on CD, but it was a phenomenal set.

Also, on Saturday every step he took trying to walk out of the venue someone would stop him. Not only did he stop and talk to every single person, he turned away from the exit and fully engaged whoever he was talking to for as long as they had something to say. It was so wonderful to see that. I may never be a fan of his music, but I am MORE than a fan of his.
I was expecting a great show....and they destroyed even those high expectations. :kickass:

If I'd had a tenth of the energy displayed by the keyboardist/vocalist, I wouldn't have had to sleep the rest of the festival! :heh:
I loved it. I don't think it's going to change my mind about the music on CD, but it was a phenomenal set.

Ditto. It was a like a Metal Jazz Jam session. I heard it while in the autograph zone (Mob Rules, I believe) and just was not impressed - not my musical style taste, that's all.

I went to sit for the final 2 songs, to await Sanctuary and hear the new Iced Earth stuff... and Ihsahn's PRESENCE is what hit me. All of this chaos flowing around him, all of this dissonance and scrambled time signatures... and he is standing there placidly playing.

I totally get the "religious experience" concepts. Ihsahn is a musical mystic. I get that, now.
You're a prick.


hahaha i just saw this one, if you are seriously going to say Ihsahn is better than his genre defining black metal band, Emperor, i think there will be numerous people here that will back up my statement if they had seen Emperor in their prime as i did. i drove 3 hours back in 99 to see them in Spartanburg. So even 10 years ago i had dedication to Ihsahn.

but again, pick and choose my statements for your prime directive. i get it and it's fine. :)
Absolutely amazing set. I didn't have much sense of his back catalogue going in, and was basically looking at it as a de-facto Leprous set. I was floored by the talent this man brings to bear. It was one of those performances where you really didn't want to blink and miss some of the awesome.
This was right up there with my favorite sets of the fest. I knew the material fairly well coming in, but wasn't sure how it would come off in the live setting. Well, needless to say it came off quite, quite well.

hahaha i just saw this one, if you are seriously going to say Ihsahn is better than his genre defining black metal band, Emperor, i think there will be numerous people here that will back up my statement if they had seen Emperor in their prime as i did. i drove 3 hours back in 99 to see them in Spartanburg. So even 10 years ago i had dedication to Ihsahn.

but again, pick and choose my statements for your prime directive. i get it and it's fine. :)

I don't usually get in on the squabbles on this board. However, you pissed of Jen, one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met. You took time out of your day to try to belittle my memory of this show for no relevant reason. You always speak negatively and rudely to my friends on this forum. And, I distinctly remember you punching me in the pit while you were "directing traffic". I hope the stick up your ass finally reaches your brain soon.

(Glenn, sorry if this is too mean. I'm just sick of it.)
I have never been a fan of Ihsahn's music. I've given several of his albums a try, and it just doesn't do it for me. However, I figured I'd stick around for a song or two, and wound up staying for the entire set. The effect was really powerful, and the performances were psychotically tight. It was extremely interesting to watch, and while I still cannot call myself a fan, I'm glad I stuck around to witness it.

The only really niggle is the eight strings. It once again proves to me why I don't think they work, sine they sound like sloppy mud by themselves, and then disappear into the rhythm section when the bands kicks in. I wish the race to tune lower would stop already, and I play seven strings.