...hot group of single chicks looking to score?
Hahahahha, I seem to remember seeing the word "Humppa" before and it cracking me up then as much as it is now Good for you though dude, sounds like a good (and lucrative) gig - but what, praytell, is Humppa?
Hahahahha, I seem to remember seeing the word "Humppa" before and it cracking me up then as much as it is now Good for you though dude, sounds like a good (and lucrative) gig - but what, praytell, is Humppa?
Unfortunantly, there is no such thing
Will you be drinking loads of booze? No wait, that wasn't meant as a question... it's an order. DRINK!
Mix with earplugs. Jeeeez that stuff would drive me up the walls.
Hahahahahahahhaha, you've gotta be kidding me - Anssi, if you can survive this without killing somebody, you'll be a bigger man than I! So it's like Finnish polka?