I'll have about 80 CD's that I'm selling...

Doom said:
SKYFORGER - Thunderforge
MORTUARY DRAPE - Tolling 13 Knell

If those who have already expressed an interest in the first two change their mind, I'll gladly have them. If that happens, I'll take the 3rd one too, but probably not on it's own. If not, bugger.

I can pay right away.
Unfortunately, the first two have been spoken for, so sorry about that. If you don't want Mortuary Drape then that's cool, but since the Sterling is so strong these days, you might want to take that into account. It's like $1 USD is 50p!!
Hi JayKeeley,

I would be interested in these if they have not been taken:
Mythtotin - king of the distant forest
BAL-SAGOTH - Starfire Burning

Just tell me a prize ( Take in consideration that I live in Canada)
NeverDying said:
Hi JayKeeley,

I would be interested in these if they have not been taken:
Mythtotin - king of the distant forest
BAL-SAGOTH - Starfire Burning

Just tell me a prize ( Take in consideration that I live in Canada)
Hey man, afraid the Mithotyn has gone to my limey mate, Russell. I've had an interest shown via PM in Bal-Sagoth (not sure which album though, since there are two :erk: ) so I'll keep you posted based on which gets selected. Cheers. :cool:
JayKeeley said:
Unfortunately, the first two have been spoken for, so sorry about that. If you don't want Mortuary Drape then that's cool, but since the Sterling is so strong these days, you might want to take that into account. It's like $1 USD is 50p!!
Any idea how much shipping would be on 1 CD?
Did I pick that one out? I meant to if not. :tickled:

Ali, I'll Paypal you next week, just let me know the total.
JayKeeley said:
Oh yeah? You breaking curfew? I thought you were on hiatus until April. I'll PM you with a total anyway.
Dude I've bought like 5 CDs since curfew was established. What matters is that I'm accomplishing my goal but not buying nearly as much as usual. :loco:
A couple more CD's I'll add to the sale list:

BLACK MARK ATTACK - V/A featuring Bathory, Edge of Sanity, etc.
NAPALM DEATH - Bootlegged in Japan (still sealed, Earache release from 1998)
BLACKMORE'S NIGHT - Fires at Midnight
HAMMERFALL - Glory to the Brave
PRIMAL FEAR - Nuclear Fire
SHADOW KEEP - A Chaos Theory

Yes please :)

Funnily enough, I have a vgue memory of offering to buy Blackmore's Night and Shadow Keep off you last summer...?
Ayeka said:
BLACKMORE'S NIGHT - Fires at Midnight
HAMMERFALL - Glory to the Brave
PRIMAL FEAR - Nuclear Fire
SHADOW KEEP - A Chaos Theory

Yes please :)

Funnily enough, I have a vgue memory of offering to buy Blackmore's Night and Shadow Keep off you last summer...?
You did, but I wasn't sure whether you'd forgotten or you just changed your mind so I just let it go... :erk:

Anyway, I'll PM you with a total. :cool: