Billy...Burned CD's?


Neuroses Facilitator

I'm bored as shit, so I'm going to bust this on you and tell me what you think of it. This is one of the few boards I know of where there actually is a musician on hand to communicate with, so I'll pop your cherry with it. :dopey:

I have a friend named Carl who has been buying shitloads of CD's for years. I mean, he has dumped in some serious money in his collection, which at last time I checked, it was over 3000. He is like 33, I believe. He also has played in bands, as well, guitar, nothing noteworthy.

So, Carl is at the point, where after moving out at 19, living on his own, paying all his own bills, AND going to a city college, where his is in some serious fucking debt. Without him completely coming clean in the amount, I'd say total he is at least $20,000 in debt.

Now, Carl still buys CD's. But, he burns as much as he can as well. He also has quite a large amount of burned discs as well as the bought ones. One time another friend said to him that he doesn't feel it's right to copy music without paying for it. He feels the artists should be supported for their work. Carl replied, "Yeah, well number one, I still buy CD's if I can, so it's not like I never support anyone anymore. And two, I have over 3000, so I've done my duty. I've earned the right to burn what I want if I can."

"And," he continued, "It's not my fault that the record companies are only paying these guys like $1.50 for every disc they sell. That's another situation. I'd rather go straight up to somebody in a band, tell them I burned their CD, and hand them $3 because I have their album now. That's still more than what the company would give them." far as I know, Carl has never gone up to anyone and given them $3 for a burned disc (though I'd love to see it happen). Carl, IMO, has a serious purchasing problem overall, AND makes like $40,000 a year. So he has a bit of money to play with.

Billy, after all that, my Q is, what do you feel, as an artist who has made money off of people by the purchase of your product, about Carl's comment of, "...I've done my duty."?