I'll pay someone to do vocals on my song "Reason"...

I have a track down, but I'm not following your exact phrasing or melody. I definitely would like to retake it, but what exactly are you looking for? Just a rugged, garagey idea filler sans effects or something that is ready to be put on record using expensive microphones and compressors and the whatnot?
I would like to just let everyone do there thing then decide which to keep. Myke souds awesome but I haven't heard you. Please feel free to what you want.
Well guys, until about halfway through when John goes apeshit on the guitar, this sounded JUST LIKE something I could have expected to hear off of an Ayreon album, like Human Equation. To be pretty blunt, I was goddamned impressed.

Glad you enjoy it! (at least...I think that's what you said) :lol:

If I can get a better quality copy of the audio, I can mix it better.
It's peaking all over the place as is, and a lot of the harmonies are lower then I'd like.
i only just got back. that houston flight was cancelled, spent 35 hours at that airport and had to rebook. other than that its all good, didnt run into any dogs and security never opened my bag.
thanks for letting me stay at your place and smoke your weed john, was good.
You are welcome over ANYTIME. I really enjoyed having you around. I'll mail the clothes you forgot.

It was fun, man. Maybe one day I can get out of this shit hole and move to New Zealand.