I'm about to order some cd's, but I need some help first.


May 15, 2001
First, how is Drudkh - Forgotten Legends? How does it compare with n crugu?

Second, what is the name of the new Moonsorrow?

Third, give me any recomendations you want. I'm in the mood for really grim black metal, but I'm open to almost anything. :)
Redstream just re-stocked FOrgotten Legends. Get it now because it is really GREAT. Dont compare it to Negura.

Moonsorrrow - Verisaket (spelling?)

Im not in a good mood right now so the reccs will come later.
Doomcifer said:
Redstream just re-stocked FOrgotten Legends. Get it now because it is really GREAT. Dont compare it to Negura.

Already in my shopping cart. :)
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
Sigh - Scorn Defeat, Infidel Art, Ghastly Funeral Theater, Hail Horror Hail
Graveland - Following the Voice of Blood and Thousand Swords
Hate Forest - Battlefields
Helheim - Av Norron Aett
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun

A bunch of those aren't considered "grim", but they all rule muchly, and you'll thank me once you hear them.