I'm an ideas man


Oct 15, 2008
Brisbane CBD
So, thinking about this today while I was driving and having a cigarette.

Remote control mic placement!!!!

Wonder if anyone has ever considered this. Create a rig that can move mics around, angle them and whatnot. So rather than running in and out of the live room to check, or listen on avg headphones, you could sit in the control room and move your mics around via remote control. Probably out of reach for the smaller guy but I'm sure one of you diy geniuses could probably construct one of these things. With all the reamping Andy does I'm sure him and many more of you who do it would find it helpful.

immatter of fact id probably buy it.

But the question really is - at what price would you pay for the convenience? We have several industrial robots in several labs where I work and for true precision work, they are great, but quite expensive - so I ask again at what price would you pay for the convenience?
^ that's true, You'd need very precise motors and control schemes such as stepper motors where you could increment these by very small degrees. The costs of the motors, gearings, appropriate hardware and the control hardware and software would really ramp up prices, unless you used a PC for the control, but then you need an interface for the robot so there will probably be a trade-off between precision and price
I already threw around the thought of building one, but the price I would have to charge for full range of movement would be pretty unaffordable. Probably why no one has bothered building one. Left/right up/down is easy to implement, but adding in forward/back and axis rotation would be a son of a bitch. I cringe when thinking about how many servos/motors i would need to use, and finding a way to rig all them to work properly... You would also need some sort of camera on it to see what the hell is going on.
Remote control mic placement

We have had this discussion multiple times in here already. But if you really consider to do it, here is what you need:

- metallic pole with the microphoneadapter head.
- motor that adjusts the distance
- motor that adjusts the height
- motor that adjusts the sideway position
- motor that adjusts the angle rotation
- heavy as fuck base for this
- remote control system