I'm Back


Sep 21, 2006
Facebook got really retarded so I left my own group. Good luck to those "people". Feel free to post here if you have anything to ask me or talk about related to me or my work. I will permanently ban anyone that says anything hateful to me or negative.
Welcome back Joey! Facebook is full of retards and hard to make something serious out of. Im happy that there are so much more mature people hanging around here :)
And since you say it's OK to ask you stuff: Do you have any idea how long your waiting list is for getting some songs mixed (sending you DI's and raw tracks) or should i contact your manager about that? I just want to know how long it is. Anyway, welcome back! I think i speak for everyone when i say im glad you're back :)
Anyway Joey, I saw that new AA was leaked on Youtube. The songs are alright but I really don't like the mix. They should definitely have went back to you for this one. And those strings? Programmed much. Your mixes are way better.
Welcome back Joey! Facebook is full of retards and hard to make something serious out of. Im happy that there are so much more mature people hanging around here :)
And since you say it's OK to ask you stuff: Do you have any idea how long your waiting list is for getting some songs mixed (sending you DI's and raw tracks) or should i contact your manager about that? I just want to know how long it is. Anyway, welcome back! I think i speak for everyone when i say im glad you're back :)

Waiting time right now is 1 year.
welcome back Joey! I've read that you've used both symphobia and ewql symphonic orchestra, I'm curious if you think it'd be better to get symphobia or the ewql composers pack which includes symphonic orchestra and storm drums etc??? also any tips for helping long sustained chords on a guitar stay in tune better, besides having thick strings and properly tuned and intonated, any advice would be much appreciated man! Cant wait to hear some new productions from you, and wish you were doing the color morale record :(
Hey joey! Good luck with working with CTE, you are truly amazing in everything you do, I love your work !
Have you got any tips in mastering ? Im trying to do my own band's demo and I really want to know how to master the track in your style, cuz again, your amazing.
Thanks in advance Joey!
If you kids want the "Joey" sound then start dedicating 100% of your time to the in's and out's of production to the point where you realize you want to have your own sound, not Joey's.
welcome back Joey! I've read that you've used both symphobia and ewql symphonic orchestra, I'm curious if you think it'd be better to get symphobia or the ewql composers pack which includes symphonic orchestra and storm drums etc??? also any tips for helping long sustained chords on a guitar stay in tune better, besides having thick strings and properly tuned and intonated, any advice would be much appreciated man! Cant wait to hear some new productions from you, and wish you were doing the color morale record :(

I recommend Symphobia if you want quick results. EWQL can do more technically but takes a whole lot more work to get there. Symphobia doesn't come with drum stuff at all.

Sustained chords staying tuned? Well if a chord starts off in tune then goes flat, well the strings are too thin.

I wish I was working with The Color Morale too. Unfortunately, timing and schedules and budgets did not work out.
Hey joey! Good luck with working with CTE, you are truly amazing in everything you do, I love your work !
Have you got any tips in mastering ? Im trying to do my own band's demo and I really want to know how to master the track in your style, cuz again, your amazing.
Thanks in advance Joey!

Mastering Tips? Try using a very light overall mix compression combined with a transient preserving limiter. Trying using linear phase eq's for eq adjustments and keep your changes light, don't lose sight of the mix. Remember your job is to enhance, not change.
I heard rumours about you're working on some new samples for your website, anything you can confirm Joey?