I'm buying one of these two mics, but I can't decide

OK, so by the end of this week I'll have my money for either a Studio Projects B1($120, sweetwater) or the Audio-Technica at3035 ($150, ebay, new). Both are relatively the same price but I have no chance to try them both out before I buy one of them, can anyone shed some light on this one for me, thanks!!! Oh yea this will be used as my main vocal mic/ stand-in overhead mic for a few more weeks (I should be getting a pair of the Kel hm-1s), I record mainly male singing and screaming.


Unless you have a mic that is under $150 that really compares to these two, please don't suggest any other mics, as I can't really go much more than $150 USD. Thanks again.
I have a 3035 and I have no complaints. It's great for male vocals and doesnt have an exaggerated presence boost.
i like my b1 for some male vox. i also like my at2020(im sure the 3035 is a step up) for some vox as well. ive used the b1 on several recordings and am always pleased with the vox in the mix. im sure both will give you good results with everything else in the chain being good as well. good luck.