well i didnt witness this latest drama in SA's UM career, but it looks like hes kind of being a whiny bitch at the moment. if you post something completely retarded you should expect someone to get anoyed with it.Final_Vision said:exactly...just forget about it...we have a good time here and you know its not cause Jonas doesnt like you or something...Just maybe keep the sex related dream threads to a minimum i dunno hehe.
um why are you trying to start shit? that's been over with for like a week man.neal said:well i didnt witness this latest drama in SA's UM career, but it looks like hes kind of being a whiny bitch at the moment. if you post something completely retarded you should expect someone to get anoyed with it.
SA>>first, im not trying to start anything, just sayin dont act surprised when people react to somthing in the way you probably expected them to anyway. second, i think you know exactly what i mean by "latest drama." third, the rest of this post you're acting like a little kid. you did somthing dumb and got called on it, dont lash out at me for it.Stygian_Apothegm said:um why are you trying to start shit? that's been over with for like a week man.
and what the fuck do you mean my latest drama blah blah. fuck you man. i dont expect this kind of shit from you. dont fucking call me a whiney bitch. you're the one fucking whining right now asshole.
fuck off.neal said:SA>>first, im not trying to start anything, just sayin dont act surprised when people react to somthing in the way you probably expected them to anyway. second, i think you know exactly what i mean by "latest drama." third, the rest of this post you're acting like a little kid. you did somthing dumb and got called on it, dont lash out at me for it.
GREVEN>>it is childish. i dont even know what its about really as i didnt read the post in question. i just made an observation that SA was being whiny and super melodramatic about the consequences. goin into 'victim mode' and all that. "oh the whole word is against me!" not its not, most of us dont give a shit. he thinks hes always being persecuted.
and you fucking whine about bullshit. shut the fuck up already you fucking asshole. jesus h fucking christ get the picture moron.neal said:hahaha thats what im talking about. you hella pout all the time.