AHHHH Assaulted By Awesome Music

froosch said:
saying that bands like Taking Back Sunday are emo is like saying Motley Crue is a metal band - it's true, but a bad representation.
I thought Taking Back Sunday's debut album was pretty decent

If you like Thrice, listen to Forever Wings Fold.
Anyone here listen to Opeth's Ghost Reveries around these parts? I find myself listening to 'Harlequin Forest' a lot lately. And playing it! The tuning they use for their guitars is really nifty - since it's different from what I'm accustomed to I find myself writing stuff much more easier!
Gah. I can't believe our beautiful posts were erased! anyhoo, a new album has just permanently found its way into my heart. Erik Norlander's Seas of Orion is hotty mctotty, no dizzoubt about it. I recommend you get it, so you too may be down to get down with E-Nizzle.
Gadlor said:
ridiculously complex song titles
This Sunset Provides the Paint For The Picture Perfect Masterpeice That I Will Paint On The Inside Of Your Eyelids by Bandits of the Accoustic Revolution (okay, it's not emo...)