I'm converting a friend

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
im getting one of my friends to see the light... he's a Nelly fan, Eminem, along with other shit nonmusical fucking things... and yesterday... he was listening to POE straight through :D and im gonna see him later today (taking him to a wrestling match where they use corkscrews and barbed wire mwwhaha) and im gonna give him a data CD w/ all of Nevermore's albums on MP3 (its almost impossible to find ANY NVMR albums around here to buy) hopefully i will succeed mwwhahahah
good luck!!!
I converted one of my friends to metal (my arms, your hearse lured him to the fold) however he hasn't really taken a shining to nevermore for some unknown reason. My other friends i have no freakin chance with. They listen to all sorts of pathetic crap.
hehe, i got him hooked on Beyond Within and This Sacrament.. only complaint about it he has is that Warrel's voice is high pitched, he'll get over that in due time <evil grin>
I've been able to "convert"friends to rock fans.I got Famous Amos into Mariln Manson,Godsmack,and Korn and Nevermore.Of course there is that OTHER preson who I keep telling you about.I've tried to make her see the proverbial light.She's into Nelly,Emimem,Ja Rule,Ludacris,etc.:puke:.I've tried to make her listen to stuff like Alice in Chains,Manson,Godsmack and Metallica but she just spits out all of these shitty insults,such as "All you have to do to be a heavy metal star is scream."So I think it's for the better of all heavy metal that they don't have ppl like that listening to their music.She would say that she is into some so-called"rock"-Linkin Park,Nickleback,Aerosmith...yes,it is as bad as you think it is.It's actually harder to get her to respect the music I listen to.I'm damn sure that if she tried to listen to Nevermore she'd definately have some stupid comment about Warrell's voice being "high-pitched"and sounding "gay"<blasphemor!:mad:>
BTW,that wrestling match sounds like lots of fun,Deadskinmask.:heh:
yep LOL im leavin at 4 to pick him up :) they do some sick shit there, last time they used a big fucking knife LOL anyways, my friend (Dan) is a Zombie fan, workin on getting him to be a bigger Metallica fan, but he IS one, i sent him Battle Angels, and i dont think it went too well LOL another high-pitched voice comment, but hell, it IS high-pitched, so i cant argue LOL... i WILL get him to be a Nevermore fan tho.... I MUST... i didnt succeed with Slayer, so i gotta work on Nevermore... maybe i can still get him to be a Slayer fan.. mwhahaa
I was going to make a compilation cd w/all of these alt-rock bands like STP,Staind,and stuff that she thinks is"rock"...and when she's listening to it thinking"Hey,this stuff is pretty good.I kinda like some of Laura's(me) music."Then at the end of the cd IMMOLATION kicks in at she has a heart attack.Either that or I take her into a Hot Topic store and she melts:heh: :devil: :devil:
About the wrestling,my 10 yr old siblings watch the pro wrestling stuff-WWF,WWE,Raw,etc(all of it is fake,IMO).The kind of wrestlers who are in huge movies and commercials for soft drinks and cameras and whatnot.All of that is total bullshit.This wrestling that you're going to is something different,I'd hope.
oh yeah, Philadelphia is THE wrestling capital for DEDICATED wrestlers and DEDICATED fans, ECW started here, and the fans judged the wrestler on their talent instead of the gimmick (they did that too, but when the wrestler did something with SKILL, the crowd still clapped) im still a WWE fan, but slowly decreasing because its fucking boring now...
nah, the barbed wire and corkscrews are real... they also use big ass staple guns and they staple dollar bills to their opponent's heads... the dollars are given to them from people in the crowd :D they wind up a bloody mess LOL im sick and twisted aint i? LOL
*takes cookie from FamousAmos,puts poison in it and feeds it to Amanda*:D Corrupting souls is lots of fun.It makes Satan very happy.:lol:
Yep,you're sick and twisted,deadskinmask.Being sick and twisted is also fun.
Agreed PGM

Most of my friends already listened to like metallica/megadeth and some of the better rock and stuff. It was my foray into the underground, and constant nagging about them listening to these bands that got 'em into IE and Nevermore. It's a long slow process though, i'm still workin' on Blind Guardian, Sentenced, In Flames and some others. Nevermore was easy, all they had to hear was River Dragon and Inside 4 walls and it was all over. IE too with the something wicked trilogy and Dante's Inferno