Never heard of ommegang, I'll try to look for it though.
There is a bunch of good micro-brewery in Quebec that does good stuff. McAuslan Brewery that makes the stout above makes awesome beers, very refined yet accessible beers, nothing too high in alcohol or flavour (
Also worth it are a few beer from RJ Brewery ( they make some pretty bland comemercial stuff as well as more refined ones. I suggest that, if you can find them, you check out all the Cheval Blanc (the amber and the blanche are particularily good), the Blonde d'Achouffe (great belgian), Coup de Grisou and they make a bunch of seasonals worth the price.
Also very interesting is beers from Le Chaudron brewery( They make an India Pale Ale called Cobra that is just insanely good, the best IPA I ever tasted. They also make hemp red beer that is awesome, and somewhat fruity. Their other beers are good but not as spectacular as those two.
Unibroue is great but the quality might go down a little as they have been bought by Interbrew, hopefully not.