Chris Cauthen
Hate to sound like an asshole, but... well, we know I can't help it. Universities and students have different definitions of 'free time' - in technical things the general rule of thumb was 2-3+ hours of outside study for every hour of lecture, and as outside study time decreased so did quality of students, and then quality of classes, and then students' motivation to do well in a shit class, and then... well, over time this just degenerated into an orgy of decreasing expectations on both sides, and student quality fell to match. Can't say anything about which of those two started first, but it doesn't matter now because so many expect a degree to be handed over after they've sat through a few classes...
This changes, of course, when you go for a degree like Land Use Planning or study at an overglorified trade school that promises one job in one field until robots can do it better, but when you go into one of those you know that you'll be pigeonholed into something. I can't say that I'd be surprised about disillusionment with a degree like that.
Big +1 on that! Hang in there. Just because you have a degree doesn't mean that you will find a job in it the first 4 years out of college. Anymore it takes 8+ years to find a job that really fits your interest and degree. I have been in my field for 12 years "Information Technology aka fixing peoples solitaire machines" and now I'm going back to school for another degree in Biophysics to find a more satisfying carrier in medicine. However Ill be close to 45 by the time I have reached my goal.