I'm fucked.

dammit, what a shit storm. I hope everything gets better soon. Don't hesitate to CONTACT who you owe to, explain your situation, and try to work out a payment plan or some other way to make it easier on you.

This x1000. Not sure how things work in Germany, but in the U.S. most companies (even the IRS) will work with you as long as you let them know your situation.
Thanks guys. There is absolutely nothing I can do except to pay. They are right, I was talking to three lawyers and they all said sam e.

Right now I'm talking with the administrations. .. hope to pay by installments.

I really appreciate that you guy want to help out with money but I really don't know how this would work.
That's very nice but I'm not sure I could pay back. I'll have to wait how things are working out. It takes forever get answers from the administrations.
Any chance of a brief overview of what the German dudes have been saying?

Sorry - seems nosey - I just want to see if I can offer any advice or say anything that might help in any way, shape or form.
Any chance of a brief overview of what the German dudes have been saying?

Sorry - seems nosey - I just want to see if I can offer any advice or say anything that might help in any way, shape or form.

some talk about possibly seeking help from the tax office or something ... financial or at least some legal help in the matter but apparently the tax office doesn't have much to do with this situation or there really isn't anything they can do to help
As for the "Bafög": They're awaiting my response. I got a letter in which they asked why I got 135€ in interest for 2010. That's just because I have my money on an account that gives me interest. I talked to a lawyer and the only thing I can do now is to give them a bank statement from 07/2010. They will see that I had too much money at this time. They will ask when I got the money and will find out that it was in january 2010. From that point I will have to pay back the money. COULD be 12.000€ max, could be less because of my circumstances (parents died, I got depressive and all that shit.) No matter what: I will have to tell them the thruth or I'm in much deeper shit.

As for the "Kindergeld": They want me to pay 800€. I got this money from january 2011 to april 2011. Then I became 25 and had no right to get that money any longer (Even though I'm still in my education!). BUT: I had 9 month of civilian service that would bring me 9 month on top of beeing 25. They say that in 2011 I WILL make more than 8004€ and that's why they want the money back. What's so stupid about that is, that I allready earned the exact same money in 2010. I don't want them to dig deeper but I will talk to a lawyer about that next week. Have to move into my new flat now.

Oh... and I possibly won't get any money from the insurance for my stolen laptop and headphones. Why? Because it wasn't in MY flat. There is no sign of burglary. Guys stole the key of my friend somehow and got in with it. Fucking fuck.
But what about the inheritance you got, where did go the money, did you spend it already ? Can't you get it back somehow by selling or whatever you did with it ? Sorry if this was covered before, since I cannot read german.
That money is almost gone. I mean it wasn't that much and I don't have any regular income at all so I had to live from it, buy a bed and a couch, some gear and all that crap. I had to move twice, pay my drivers license. I could sell some gear to get the money but I hope I can pay back in installments because recording is the only thing that keeps me going right now.
Hey, I have couple of bands asking me for mix their stuff, maybe I can send them to you, dunno if they willing to pay much, but still something.