I'm getting laser treatment on my eyes


Jan 7, 2002
Pasadena, Calif.
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This 100% true. I am delighted.

One day job, both eyes. Will have my eyes back to 20-20 vision. In fact not a bad price. $650 an eye.

Anyone know anything, or anyone who has got it done.
Hey Clarissa,
My mom received that surgery in one eye. She still uses glasses to read and stuff but she had really bad eye sight. She likes it a lot. I am thinking about getting it done in a few years.
Good luck with it
Yeah some guy I know had it done...Bad eyesight Sam we used to call him. Or Blind Sam as he's now known... ;)
Hey, good luck!

I really want to get this done. But my eyesight is so bad that the regular Lasik surgery won't work for me, so I have to get this other one (called PCK or some acronym like that). Too bad it costs $5,000 per eye. :err:
I have considered going to a surgery like that. I have -6.25 in both eyes. Frend of mine at university had that kind of tretment
just a month ago and she´s satisfied.
Where are you getting it done Clarissa? $650 an eye sounds pretty cheap.

I read up on the operation a few months back and the details are pretty horrid - a really thin blade slices around the top layer of "skin" on your eye and lifts it away like a flap and then lasers blast away at what's underneath so that you can focus properly. Then they put the flap of skin back over your eye!

Sounds lovely don't it! :eek: :eek:

What does Dom think about it?
It doesn't work as well for older people because they generally have some other condition that it doesn't correct (can't remember the name), hence the need for reading glasses. My mom had that same situation, but overall is glad she did it. My friend had it done and has perfect vision now and is very happy. I've been thinking about it myself, but haven't gotten off my lazy ass and made an appointment. Btw, I'd kind of worry about a place offering it for $650 an eye. Most places are at least $1000/eye, so if they're that cheap it might mean they don't have high quality equipment. Good luck with it all.
Jesus Clarissa, haven't you researched this thing? For the love of FUCK, read about what you are doing, you may not be in such a rush to do it after you do.

Doctors are cunts. I'm not being sarcastic.

$650 an eye? That's pretty cheap.

I'll keep an eye out for somewhere cheaper. :D
Good luck Clarissa!! :D

and what a coincidence! my brother will take laser treatment in one eye tomorrow...
tomorrow??? today sounds better since it is 5.20 AM here...