pain in my eye (seriously, kinda worried)

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
woke up this morning and my right eye hurt REALLY bad. didn't see anything in it, no scratches, nothing.

went to work and over the next few hours, it developed into a randomly occurring and excruciating stabbing pain in my eyeball. like, it was getting so bad that i had tears running down my face. i mentioned it to coworkers and got theories of everything from pink eye to a blood vessel about to burst. was able to leave early because it was hurting me so bad.

went to the optomitrist at the mall, got my eyes examined and the optomitrist picked a piece of lint out of my eye, said everything else was fine, problem solved (FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS!) ... but then, on the drive home, i feel another sharp pain - the windows were up so it's not like anything flew in, dunno if it could've been in my vents or something, then another when i'm getting out of the car. i got some sleep, but the pain has been persisting for the past few hours. i tried to wash my eye out with "Artifical Tears" which the eye doctor gave me and it hasn't helped at all

stupid veterans day making the actual optomitrist's office be closed. then my boss asked if i could work from 7-4 tomorrow so i guess i'll try and call them from work if it persists

could this be pink eye even if the doctor didn't see anything wrong? has anyone ever had anything like this happen?

something else weird: over the five hours i worked, the pains were occuring anywhere from 30 seconds to three minutes apart and they were constantly. i got to the mall and made the appt with the eye doctor. it was for an hour from then, so i went to get some food. i was in line waiting for my food, still getting pains in my eyes. as soon as i started eating, the pain was gone. it didn't come back until roughly 45 min later, when i was talking to the eye doctor. it was so fucking weird. fuuuck oww. typing with one eye open is annoying
I don't think you should worry about this too much. It's probably just a minor scratch. Something like that happened to me too once. All the pain and tearing lasted for about three days. The doctor said that it was probably a scratch from my contacts, but it was so minor that she couldn't see it.
It it feels like it's behind your eye, it could be a formation of a migraine... but it sounds like lint was taken out, chances are your eye is just recovering.
Yeah, I'm with Tyler on, it could be a migraine, they're strange headaches, I get them all too frequently along with my other ridiculous neurological insanity. Isn't glaucoma pressure that builds in the eyes? But you said you are experiencing sharp pain.

Feel better either way ::hugs::
Then it probably IS something still in your eye. I'd go to the hospital if it's causing that much agony.
I wonder what that'd be like? Brain penetration. Does semen increase the sensitivity of dopamine receptors?

But uh, yeah...your problem is probably just a scratch or something that's trying to heal. If I manage to scratch any part of my eye with a contact lens then it will hurt and ache for a couple of days.
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Look at it this way (pun intended)... if it's really bad and you have to get your eyeball removed you can get an eyepatch and then you can dress like a pirate every single day!