so i got a bug in my eye this morning


Aug 2, 2002
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just a little bug. it happened when i was running. so i ran and thought it was out but then i got home and there it was :( a dead bug in my eye.
when i was a kid, my grandfather got really sick and had to go to the hospital and have half a lung removed. i asked why, and my mother said "he had a bug". you know, like a little disease, a bug, right? as i got a little older, i realised that he had gotten some kind of lung cancer from smoking.

last year i was in maine with my family and we were swatting mosquitoes and my uncle was talking and was like "blah blah yeah like when dziadziu inhaled one of these and lost his lung!" and i was like WHOA WHAT! turns out he HAD indeed had a bug--had inhaled it in his lung and it had gotten embedded and infected and whatnot.