I'm giving Therapy to a bird!


Death is not your enemy..
May 25, 2006
So, i've met this little sun conure at one of my parents friends houses and the poor creature is terrified of everything, so i asked the owner what was wrong with it, she said that she had just gotten it a while ago from someone who rescued it from and abusive owner but she has no idea what to do with it cause its scared and bites alot. so i am going over every weekend to work with this little bird and teach him not fear people, he is so adorable, i can pet him and he came out of the cage the other day and sat on my shoulder so i think i'm making good prodrerss!!! it's only a matter of time before he opens up and is loving and playful again!! Wish me luck everyone!!!
heh, well there is more to me than that 'emo' image you all get, i'm a huge nature fanatic, and i don't care if a few of you flame me there must be somoen here who cares for animals like me!
sweet, thats what i want to do with my life, i'm going to volunteer ata wildlife hospital soon actually....eh.....i'll have to get a rabies shot for that, but i can handle it
SylviasRavenWolfe said:
sweet, thats what i want to do with my life, i'm going to volunteer ata wildlife hospital soon actually....eh.....i'll have to get a rabies shot for that, but i can handle it

I got bit by a dog that was wild that my parents thought could have had rabies, so I had to get the whole series of shots. That was gay. :(
ouch! yeah thats why im getting the oe shot ahead of time, so i don't have to get the series when i get bit by something
SylviasRavenWolfe said:
ouch! yeah thats why im getting the oe shot ahead of time, so i don't have to get the series when i get bit by something

Hell yeah. Good idea. I was like 4 when it happened. I was completely mortified by needles after that. But, I got over it, now I even donate blood on a regular basis.
Rock Hydra said:
Hell yeah. Good idea. I was like 4 when it happened. I was completely mortified by needles after that. But, I got over it, now I even donate blood on a regular basis.

*shudders* just the thought of giving blood freaks me out, i hate hypodermic needles...like HATE, with a passion! but id rather get the one shot than the series any day!!!
i will, he is alot better than when i first met him, wouldn't even let anyone touch him then, but now he lets me pet him and sometimes i can hold him, he still bites though, and he bites hard!
Rock Hydra said:
I got bit by a dog that was wild that my parents thought could have had rabies, so I had to get the whole series of shots. That was gay. :(

I have got biten by 3 dogs :erk:
i'm going to see him again today and i plan to coax him out of the cage again, maybe he wont bite so much this time....