i'm glad i'm not a whore


Aug 2, 2002
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because if i'm ever raped by a famous sports figure i guess it won't be used against me.

i can picture like... i get mugged and i am on the stand for 3.5 hours while a defense attorney grills me about how many times i've 'walked around NY with a wallet' just tempting people to do it.
yea i mean, i guess if you and your friends will have to spend an entire day detailing every aspect of it for a jury you might as well revel in it.
one of my coworkers could get gaybashed and then have to walk around for a while with his friends testifying about how he's had his ass kicked before! it wasn't new! and he's gay like ALL THE TIME!
i can't even wrap my mind around the idea of myself and my friends being grilled by an attorney for that long and having to admit that i have/have not taken it in the ass. and this ultimately would affect if i were 'assaulted' or not.


i do think they should go well beyond the bounds of the current "rape shield" law in a he-said-she-said case to determine credibility, but i don't think that necessarily means there should be NO boundaries.
it's just funny that other types of 'assault' don't go into the background behavior of the victims, like barfights etc. i'm just very chagrin to see this turn of events. and whenever i seem to bring it up that there's this discrepency, people say 'how do you know he's guilty!?!?!??!?!?!' which has nothing to do with it. what i mean is... how do they know SHE IS?

someone just said to me 'she went to the hospital with cum all over her underwear i mean she couldn't even clean herself up'
and my response:
so i mean yea you can quote me on that.

I thought the point of it, in this case, was to help the jury believe that the girl had consentual sex with Bryant. It seems that the demonstration of how easily and frequently she tended to have sex with strangers is appropriate in this case. I think it's just as likely she's trying to extort Bryant as it is he raped her. By the way I'm on Michael Jackson's side too.
i don't doubt she has had a lot of sex or that she had a reason to extort from him. but do you realize the predecent this sets? some dude rapes your mom and they're asking her friends if she does coke and gives blowjobs. you know?

also: re: the movie 'the accused'. previous activity does not connotate guilt. i mean, why does this NOT apply in OTHER cases of assault? like a guy gets his ass kicked in a bar fight... do they get him on the stand and ask him how often he gets drunk and rowdy, how many times he's instigated someone? you cannnot, most of the time, even bring in PREVIOUS convictions for chrissakes never mind previous PRIVATE acts of sex.

even hookers get raped.
i mean, talk about kobe bryant all you want (i didnt even say his name in here) but this is now going to apply to all rape victims.
well, i think sexual charges IN CASES LIKE THIS should ABSOLUTELY look into things like that--they're entirely different from assault charges.

without corroboration, it's equally likely that Kobe Bryant and his accuser are telling the truth. both the prosecution and the defence have to show that their side is more trustworthy.

if you applied the standards of proof for a case like regular assault or theft to a rape case, you would have virtually NO convictions, because so much of it can come down to one person's word against another, which is not adequate. so i support the delving into both peoples' backgrounds to a very large degree, because it enables legitimate convictions of rapists. otherwise, if you're being fair, more than ninety percent of rapists would go free, and that is not acceptable; or, if you're unfair, an accused rapist would be convicted without his guilt being adequately proven, which is also not acceptable.

invasive background stuff enables justice against rapists. disallowing it stops justice against rapists.
so what about people who are assaulted with no one around (ie, breaking and entering? household robberies? etc?, back alley attacks? why is it against the law to go into the victim's background then?)
the reason that i so strongly disagree with you is because there is no 'THESE TYPES OF CASES" according to the law. sexual assault is that. the precedent will hold will ALL. probably even child rape.
this disgusts me.
also: does having a lot of sex in the past mean that you're more likely to ACCUSE someone else of rape when they didn't do it? i dont understand that part. what will her sexual history tell you? she's a whore and therefore cannot be raped? or she's a whore and therefore must ALSO be a liar by default?
if someone breaks into your house and rapes you, the HOUSE-BREAKER suffers a HUGE drop in credibility. therefore, there's no NEED to fight over such things.

if the girl wasn't put on the stand and quizzed to a degree, i (and i hope everyone else) would be outraged if Bryant was convicted with NO evidence except her unexamined word.