I'm going crazy...


Cornered within
Dec 2, 2001
...My Damage done will arrive in a couple of weeks.
I can't stand this waiting...First you wait months' (that feels like years) for the the official release date...AND when the time has come the freakin' mailorder takes all the time in the world.:(

So...I wanted to ask you swedes a question:

Det är en jättetjänst...men om ni har möjlighet att få tag i ännu en kopia av "damage done" i dagarna skulle det då vara möjligt att ni kunde skicka en åt mig?
Självklart får ni betalt för skivan+mödan...

(I just asked if someone can buy a cd and send it to me)

@rahvin: Sorry for creating a new thread, but I can't stand this non-damaged dark day.:cry:
Oh man, that's so sad - I feel sorry for you! :lol:
Where the hell is Meganeura anyway? Order the CD from some Mailorder that's got it, then - that way you won't have to wait for months... I got the CD three days before official release!
So now my job is to turn this into another topic...

Well..here it comes.:
Who's the nicest guy/girl on the Dark Tranquillity forum?

For me it's a tie between Onde Erik and Thelix....cheers to both of you!

@rahvin: good enough?;)
Actually I have a question for the swedes here too:
Where do you order your CD's?
I need to find something other than ginza.se, their selection is crap.
I need to be able to pay the stuff after I get it in the mail, like with Ginza, since I don't have a credit card.

I have tried, Swedrock, their selection is ok, but sending the stuff takes forever.

Don't even think about saying CDon.com, that place is the utter shit from Satans ass, it's stink kill people within 100km radius.
Yes, I have ordered twice from them, that was enough thank you.
since it'd be way too easy to mention rei toei or hyena, or alfred, i'd choose someone i haven't met before: |ngenius. but it saddens me to leave out thanatos and nicktheclayman, so i won't. :p

Silentjohan is at the top at that list for sending me money, music and a lifetime's supply of assorted soft drinks (right..?).

Salamurhaaja: You might want to try TPL records and Near Dark Productions.
My experience with the latter is mixed. They have a pretty good selection of semi-rare stuff but a few of the CD's arrived with the little pegs holding the actual CD in place broken.
Since one of them was a digipak (Cromlech's The Vulture Tones) I couldn't replace the plastic either. :(
i'm nice too. Today the cd will finally arrive in the stores and I have already ordered 3 copies. Just ask nicely and maybe I send them over if I get a little amount of money:D