I'm going mentaaaaallllllll!!!!!

bah... look on the bright side(s)

1. I saw Anathema twice this summer
2. I was at the gig they recorded the dvd
3. Did two excellent trips during last 4 months
4. Still have money to enjoy these warm weeks of finnish summer
5. My mates aren't shit

eghh... sorry, didn't help that much, did it?
Crack Hitler said:
bah... look on the bright side(s)

1. I saw Anathema twice this summer
2. I was at the gig they recorded the dvd
3. Did two excellent trips during last 4 months
4. Still have money to enjoy these warm weeks of finnish summer
5. My mates aren't shit

eghh... sorry, didn't help that much, did it?
Ah well, I'm feeling a bit better already than a few hours back. Still, when you think about it, people really are shit!!!
the good things:
- I had some fantastic times at great festivals and met a lot of amazing people
- I got the chance that I may go to wacken
- I saw anathema 7 times this year and could do their dvd cover
- I went to Greece and Poland with Maren
- I have a few absolutely sweet friends here in Innsbruck that are taking care of me when I feel bad

the bad things:
- my boyfriend left me
- summer weather sucks (its too hot during the week when I have to work and raining every weekend)

oke, well more good than bad things at least, so no need to complain :)
I haven't read it yet, but I think it may serve as a way towards the ...
not quite what I had in mind, but I guess nirvana holds a different meaning for everyone
Alwin said:
Margaret Island, how can Margaret serve as a metaphore for a man?

Hm, hard question, I should have said all people are islands, in fact that's what I was referring to. I don't know why I wrote "man", it must be the result of pervasive patriarchal conditioning. :ill:

The thing is, the English language doesn't have a word for "ember" or "gente", like a human being.

One of our two neighbouring islands is Margaret, the woman, and the other is the Shipbuilder, the man. The latter is where the Sziget Fest is held.