I'm going to give you crackers a headsup.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
I'm going to the Navy recruiter for a 2nd time tomorrow morning so I can (i guess) schedule my ASVAB test and physical. If I get 100% accepted after all of that stuff, I'll be throwing myself a going away party. I doubt that any of you people would be able to attend (save for Laura, Max, Chris, and Nikki), but it will be an open invitation for those that would want to drive a few hours or fly out or whatever it is you'd want to do. We're looking at the end of November/beginning of December most likely if all goes as planned.

If things DON'T go as planned, then oh well. Worthless thread...

To those that would be interested in something like this, respond here. There will be booze and such.
Thanks! I filled out 2 hours worth of paperwork today, and was informed that Wednesday and Thursday will be spent at Fort Dix for my physical, test, and whatever else needs to be done. I guess I'll figure out if I'm qualified Basic Training at that point.
Willow is going to be a "Wog".
If you get assigned to a ship, you'll soon know what that's about.:lol:

Anyone know if they still have the shellback ceremony?

Yes, they do but it's not nearly as rough as it used to be. They used to beat the shit out of you years ago, but now it's just a bunch of hazing like screaming, squirting you down with water as you do pushups, making you crawl through disgusting shit, etc.

For everyone wondering, the first time you cross the equator, there's a big initiation for everyone who has done it for the first time, no matter the rank. It's all in good fun and they can't physically harm you or anything...just kinda embarrass you and treat you like crap for a day. Back in the day I heard it used to be really rough and they'd literally beat the shit out of you. Now it's just a little hazing.