I think the behind the music was the final nail in the coffin. I can't get enough of Anthrax at this point. Besides listening to Stomp 442 which I bought shortly after seeing them live, I've borrowed Sound of White Noise and Among the Living from a friend, and he's not getting them back until I buy them for myself. I can't make up my mind about which I like better. Among the Living seems to be a lot wilder, more frantic. Not quite as tight or together as the other two, but that's not a bad thing at all. I think Joey Belladonna has a terrific voice and I definitely look forward to hearing more of the albums with him. I prefer his voice if you just take the two singers and listen to them apart from the music. But there's something about the way John Bush's voice really melds with the albums that he's on, and I really love that too. Not to mention that he was incredible live. I think they both have a quality to their voice that the other doesn't have, and to be able to listen to this really great new (for me) music with both of them is exciting.
The person who guaranteed me that I would like Sound of White Noise was right. I can only hope I'll be able to find Vol. 8.
The Behind the Music was great, but instead of satisfying my appetite, it just fed it...i now just want to hear more, know more, see more more more more!! I even went out and bought a blank tape to tape it...I think i'm addicted. I kind of felt sorry for Joey Belladonna...getting his act together and going sober, and then getting kicked out eventually anyway. That had to have been painful for him...I wonder if he has solo stuff or got involved with another band, and if it's any good? Great voice. But again, I don't think they made a mistake either...i never saw him live, maybe he was better in the studio..and John Bush is certainly amazing live, and he sounds like what you hear on the albums, which to me is important.
I was very impressed that they're pretty much a clean band. It must have been one of the very few Behind the Musics i've seen where somebody doesn't die or almost die do to drugs or alcohol. I have tremendous amount of respect for musicians who can stay away from drugs. It probably has also helped their appearance...they don't look like a band who's been around for 20 years, they look great.
The person who guaranteed me that I would like Sound of White Noise was right. I can only hope I'll be able to find Vol. 8.
The Behind the Music was great, but instead of satisfying my appetite, it just fed it...i now just want to hear more, know more, see more more more more!! I even went out and bought a blank tape to tape it...I think i'm addicted. I kind of felt sorry for Joey Belladonna...getting his act together and going sober, and then getting kicked out eventually anyway. That had to have been painful for him...I wonder if he has solo stuff or got involved with another band, and if it's any good? Great voice. But again, I don't think they made a mistake either...i never saw him live, maybe he was better in the studio..and John Bush is certainly amazing live, and he sounds like what you hear on the albums, which to me is important.
I was very impressed that they're pretty much a clean band. It must have been one of the very few Behind the Musics i've seen where somebody doesn't die or almost die do to drugs or alcohol. I have tremendous amount of respect for musicians who can stay away from drugs. It probably has also helped their appearance...they don't look like a band who's been around for 20 years, they look great.