I'm in a bit of a pickle with band/studio names...


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
When I started out a few years back, Darkadian was just my name for shit. Forums, screen name, Steam ID etc, and when I was making music on my own I just named the project Darkadian.

It then made sense when I set up my recording/editing/mixing business to call it Darkadian Studios. However, the music got more serious than I thought it would and for the last 6 months or so Darkadian has now been a legit band.

It was all cool when it was just little old me making demo music and stuff, it made sense to associate the two. But now it doesn't, and I'm not sure which one to change? Darkadian is an awesome band name, but Darkadian Studios is a legit business now, with logo, business cards, previous client history, website etc, so logistically it would be easier to change the band name but... bah, I dunno.

Thoughts? :lol:

We're not exactly a rising band, but we are going to be very soon, so changing the name wouldn't be so bad, but it was the band name before the studio name, and I prefer it for the band than for the studio.

If I were to change the studio name I have no clue what to use though, i'm so shit at thinking of names hence why i attempted to use one for all :lol: My own name followed by "sound productions" or something would work, but I'm not entirely sure that it's not pretentious sounding. I'm picky about this shit... clearly....

We're not exactly a rising band, but we are going to be very soon, so changing the name wouldn't be so bad, but it was the band name before the studio name, and I prefer it for the band than for the studio.

If I were to change the studio name I have no clue what to use though, i'm so shit at thinking of names hence why i attempted to use one for all :lol: My own name followed by "sound productions" or something would work, but I'm not entirely sure that it's not pretentious sounding. I'm picky about this shit... clearly....

If you already have a clientele that connects your studio with the name, keep it and change the band name. If you need ideas, you can always turn to Sloan: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/7703323-post13.html
It wouldn't take much to do a domain/email redirect though to be honest. And I'm in regular contact with most (of the important ones anyway!) of the previous clients.

Also, LOL @ that list! :lol:
I just feel uncomfortable associating the two, like they are somehow one and the same entity, or like one is a product of the other, you know? Daft thought process, I know, but I'm just thinking about it from a customer/business sense. Just sounds a bit... odd.
Hahaa well I wouldn't mind something similar to Darkadian just to keep a theme maybe. I don't want "studios" any more though, because I don't actually track bands in "my" studio, I rent studio space nearby and track them there so I can't really call my HQ a studio when it's just a mix room. I think "Productions" or "Sound Production" sounds better for my situation. So like... Dark 'something' Productions. I just dont know about the 'something' :lol:
Damn, sounds pretty good, but yeah you'd figure it's taken, too generic to not be taken haha

With the friggin' Internet now, EVERYTHING'S been taken it seems. So many decent/fitting phrases are now names for home studios, bands with a MySpace and 2 songs, etc. Maybe I'm a bit jaded because we've spent over a month trying to come up with a name for our new band... but yeah I can see the OP's point about not knowing what to do.