I'm just wondering


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
Where do people that look like this live? I mean, I've seen similar in those emo/screamo vids but I didn't think people actually did this normally. I swear, I've never seen anyone like this. I can't tell if they're really gay or just act it.

Have you seen people like this in your part of town/world?
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I couldn't be much happier to say that I don't know where these people live...I don't see them around. You just turned my whole day around, I had a shitty morning!
When I was a kid, I was convinced I'd never get as disconnected with youth culture as my parents got... well, didn't take me too long to realize how wrong I was.
When I was a kid, I was convinced I'd never get as disconnected with youth culture as my parents got... well, didn't take me too long to realize how wrong I was.

Tell me about it man.
I'm 21, and find it pretty much impossible to relate to even the average 16-17 year old kid these days. It's like a totally different generation entirely
Newcastle gets a mix of kids along the lines of this... not seen any of them wearing contacts... but the 80's-glam/emo style... yeah all the fucking time...
oh God damnit, I went to their myspace and I just realized I will be seeing these fuckers because they are on tour with Let Get It.

so fucking lame

also, I'm 18 and i feel disconnected from this but I rreally don't care, we no longer have a single (or even 5) defined youth culture to feel old by not being part of, it's all increasingly disperate

Same thing for me man.
I've seen a handful of "scene" kids around but never anything like this, ever.