
Zed Leppelin said:
Mistakes belongs to live performing, I think it's good thing to do mistake or two in a song.

Mistakes belong in live shows only because you shouldnt record yourself making a bunch of mistakes. I don't actually WANT to hear mistakes, how are they better than being flawless? Anyhow, I just don't think hes that good. He played To Rid the Disease completely wrong when I saw them on the Damnation tour and I've seen nothing since to impress me.
per knows what hes doing. if you actually LISTEN to spiritual beggars, youll realize this. Hes not just "background mood" either...if you understand what keyboards are typically for, then you will also come to this conclusion.
No, he doesn't suck, I liked his background vocals on the Dvd and he's good at keyboards, that's all I have to say.

@Deliverance: You're right. His hair is insanely looong. Bwhahaha! (I like it, yeh)
BurningSky said:
Singing and playing piano are two different things. I liked his backup vocals too, but i think with a year's training i could do what he does...
You could say the same thing for some of Opeth's vocals, guitar riffs and drum beats. Technical skill is no measure of a musician.

I personally have absolutely no problem with Per's ability nor the concept of him joining Opeth. In fact, i think it would be quite interesting and i would welcome him as long as i keep enjoying the music, and i'm sure i would.
BurningSky said:
Singing and playing piano are two different things. I liked his backup vocals too, but i think with a year's training i could do what he does...

Then do it. When you can talk big, you can prove it in a year.
Can't stand this discussion. Like Risquit said. Would they hire him when he's so bad?
Not everyone has to play like the Children of Bodom guy to do fitting keyboard parts for songs.
You're probably right risquit, it is probably just a matter of taste. Learning that shit in a year was an obvious exaggeration, so relax... I guess I'm just not super impressed with what i've seen so far and i'll have to judge by hearing the next album. Something like the children of bodom keys would not fit opeth at all and I dont care about those dudes that shredd on keyboard, so thats not the deal at all.