im kidnapping spawn


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
yeah that's right im gonna fly to where ever he lives in my top secret evil helicopper and kidnap him, i'll hide him in my basement (i have no basement so the crawl space under the house will have to do for now) then once i've brainwashed him enough were gonna make an excellant powermetal band :mad:

Never going to happen :D Im still writing my own stuff and its Slayer crossed with Iced Earth crossed with death/black metal but without the death/black metal vocals, most certainly not power metal! :)

I am 100% power metal free, some of it is good, LOADS of it is crap, but listening is as far as it goes, I wont be playing it, ill leave that to the people who know what they are doing! (Dungeon, Pegazus, Black Steel and so on :) )

And really, in the end, my black metal bretheren would slaughter me under the first full moon if they caught me playing it wouldnt they?
Spawn can't decide what sort of music he likes. He likes thrash bands with borderline cookie monster vocals, but doesn't like melodic death bands with bareable cookie monster vocals.

Go figure.
I dont get into strife either :D

Im very choosy about my vocalists, but at least I give the cds a try :)
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
If Spawny wants to play in a thrash/melodic death band, then he can hook up with me. :D

i wanna play in a thrash/melodic death band, can i hook up with you :D :p don't worry about Spawn he's old news, i've already kicked him out of the band for not coming to band practice :mad:
Thats ok, im so angry about it, im going to form my own thrash/melodic band in retalitation and have Coops as my biggest fan :D
Well, you are obviously ahead of your time Coops :D And dont worry, they will sell out before I do ;)

(Thats no problem about the drum samples, I havent even been able to play guitar in over a month because ive been a tad sick)
Originally posted by spawn
Well, you are obviously ahead of your time Coops :D And dont worry, they will sell out before I do ;)

(Thats no problem about the drum samples, I havent even been able to play guitar in over a month because ive been a tad sick)

heheh *cut to the Blue Oyster Cult topic*
btw Spawn are you really in a black metal band? aka that pic
No (not yet anyway :) ) But when I posted some photos of myself someone (Spiffy if I recall correctly) said that I looked like a nordic black metal person and its been a running joke since :D

Anyway, im off to bring down christianity, seeya! :wave: