I'm Listening to...

Some "MySpace band exploration surfing" again: following links to unknown bands and wasting time before the UEFA Champions League starts...

Mostly US and Brazilian underground thrash metal. Entry points were the MySpace sites of the two small quality labels Heavy Artillery Records [US] and Kill Again Records [BRA]. But the (previously unknown) band I liked most were the Greek thrashers RELEASED ANGER.
Arcturus - To thouth who dwellest in the nighteththth.

We just finished a whole pile of The Gathering and a Dio/Malmsteen cover of Aerosmith's song, err, Dream On? Is that the title?
Kicking off this Wednesday morning with Simon and Garfunkle - Cecilia.

Next up is the album: The Shins - Wincing The Night Away. It's going to be an indie-rock-funk-punk kind of day with a bit of Vivaldi for those epic moments.
It would be amusing to play the 1812 Overture and try to sneeze along with the final rhythm where the cannons traditionally are set off. That might be my goal for the day.