I'm listening to...

On recomendation by a friend: Watain - Lawless Darkness (album)
it just finished and I can't say I'm very much impressed, or maybe it's just because I'm not at all in the mood for black metal right now

coming up: Fates Warning - Monument :rock:
It's a pretty good black metal album, but you kinda have to be in the mood indeed and you shouldn't hope for anything technically skilled ;)

np: As I Lay Dying - Condemned
On recomendation by a friend: Watain - Lawless Darkness (album)
it just finished and I can't say I'm very much impressed, or maybe it's just because I'm not at all in the mood for black metal right now

coming up: Fates Warning - Monument :rock:

Give it another try when you're in the mood for black metal, one of the best albums - if you ask me - so far this year.
I saw Watain live a week ago, if you get the chance to see them, do it!:notworthy