I'm listening to...

How about we keep this one going until after PP2010? We're half-way through this year and it would be a shame to split it up now.

The new year starts on October 3rd despite popular belief ;)

That;s what I meant :) You making your re-entry in the first weekend of october and starting a new one after that :)
My colleaque and he is a terrible singer. O god that hurts my ears. He is even too bad for the afterparty on sunday.
The Sin Committee - Confess (complete EP)
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It's not bad, but I'm far from impressed with the vocals :(

I read that more people feel this way. For me it's the first album of The Ocean that I ever heard, so I can't compare it with their earlier (better?) albums. To me, their singer sound very diverse, from Chris Cornell kinda vocals to screaming....nice!