I'm new....and I'm needing your help


New Metal Member
May 21, 2005
What's up...I'm new...Andy from Atlanta...glad to be here.

So, here's my deal:

I've decided that I wold like like to start up a podcast. Since I love prog metal, I thougt it would be really cool to have a prog metal podcast. However (and this is where I need help from you guys), since the whole legal side of things says I can't play licensed music (no Ozrics, no nightwish, no OSI.....it sucks, I know)....I must seek out the unsigned....or at this point, prog metal artists who's material are licensed under creative commons, pod safe music network, etc.

I'm thinking a weekly 30-45 minute show..feature artists....interviews....reviews...news..whatever...just a general music show the caters to the not so general music fan.

So, my first question is would you guys listen to something like this? are there enough artists out there to justify a show? Clearly I'd need some music to play...so I'd be looking for tracks. I'm dead serious about this so i'd like some feedback.

Thanks in advance..
Welcome to UM :)

I don't listen to streaming music anymore, so I can't help you..you might want to go ask in some of the progmetal bands' forums though, since they'd be your main audience..good luck with it :)