I'm new


Nov 1, 2001
Hail! I've just joined this list due to an increasing interest in Opeth (it's not like their my no. 1 band but one of the best, so to say) so it'd be wise of me to introduce myself at first!
I've listened to metal for about four years I think, still going stronger than ever. I moved to Denmark when I was 6 years old and well, it's not a country I can recommend. The people etc. would take a day to write about but let's just say metal here is dead and always have been. But hey, when I finish 10-th grade I'm gonna (fast as hell) move back to my motherland, SWEDEN! Much metalheads there, that's for sure, plus there's snus in every store.
To describe all my bands would take a helluvalong time but some of my freguent spins are: Children Of Bodom, (old) Slayer, (old) Paradise Lost, (old) Metallica, (old) Venom, (old) Sepultura, Iced Earth, Meshuggah, Morbid Angel, Nevermore, Dominus (Vol.Beat era), In Flames, Amon Amarth (big fan am I), Overkill, Sodom, Enslaved, Kreator, Arch Enemy, Nile, Dark Tranquillity, Metal Church, Sentenced (when I go to sleep, mostly), Satyricon, Carnivore, Gardenian, The Haunted, Invocator, Obiturary, Necrophagia etc. etc.
Opeth I found out about some time ago when I bought Orchid. At first, I didn't understand anything whatsoever about what these guys were doing until I patiently some months after laid down and listened to it, Only know do I understand their genius, he he. Just bought My Arms, Your Hearse too but haven't listened to it yet as I'm busy with Horror Show now with Iced Earth you know. Dark Angel waits next but when I reach Opeth, I'll tell you all what I think.
This board seems like a really cool place with some good topics, I'll look forward being here!


NP: Paradise Lost-Shadowkings
Hi Patrik, and welcome.
I have to complain that I don´t see a lot of doom, black or progressive bands in your list.
Besides Opeth Do you only listen to trash and death metal bands mostly??????
Thank you all!
Wanderer yes, I'm mostly a thrash/death head I guess. Doom I don't like at all, unless you count TON to be doom. Of black metal I haven't got much exept Dark Funeral, Darthrone, Emperor, Satyricon, Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved and Forlorn. Because of the stuff I mostly listen to, it'll take some time for me to get into Iced Earth but I like it already.
Actually; get all of Iced Earth's albums! >:eek:)

Definately. That's what I'm trying to do now. I've got all of them but the self titled, Night of the StormRider and Alive in Athens. Night of the StormRider is sitting in my employee holdbox at work as we speak, though. Just got days of purgatory today.

Don't know if you all are aware of this, but the first three albums are going out of print this month and are being re-mastered and re-released as part of a box-set called Dark Genesis. It's also going to include their demo and a tribute cd.
many halloweens ago i went to the coolest haunted house id ever been to, and this scary scary dark clown was outside scaring the shit out of children.

i had on some metal shirt and he was like 'YEAH! check out iced earth!!" in creepy voice......

the only clown ive ever liked.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
Welcome, To the world of worms :)

Hey _Transparent_, is the rest of the Zyklon album like 'Hammer Revelation'? I downloaded that track of their website and it's so amazing... Is it all fast or do they slow it down sometimes?

I'm interested in buying it.
Originally posted by requiem

Hey _Transparent_, is the rest of the Zyklon album like 'Hammer Revelation'? I downloaded that track of their website and it's so amazing... Is it all fast or do they slow it down sometimes?

I'm interested in buying it.

deffinatly worth getting, a pity i wont have a chance to see them live with Daemon :cry: , but im sure the new member will be just as good. (i wish) you should seriously get this album, its one of the best this year, although you should get all the Opeth and Katatonia ones first though. :D

I was waiting for _Transparent_ to say something sarcastic

sorry but im not your sarcasm machine, to just turn on and off at will :p if you want sarccasm pay the Homer tax.
Originally posted by _Transparent_

one of the best this year, although you should get all the Opeth and Katatonia ones first though. :D

Too late on that front I'm afraid;) I've got all the Katatonia from 'For Funerals to Come' onwards, and I live in a house with all the Opeth's. I'm just in the mood for some more extreme material at the moment. :mad: